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Agenda Bellringer Review Questions

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1 Agenda Bellringer Review Questions
Notes: WWII technology and major battles Exit ticket

2 Review Questions What were the causes of WWII?
Aggression, appeasement What was the “spark” that started WWII? Germany’s invasion of Poland What is appeasement? Ignoring wrong doing What terms were included in the Nazi-Soviet Pact? Germany and USSR would not fight each other, would divide Poland What was established at the Munich conference? A portion of Czechoslovakia was given to Hitler, he invaded and took it all anyway

3 Objective Students will identify two new technologies of WWII and two major battles fought in the European theater by completing page 15 in their packets

4 WWII Technology and Major Battles

5 Technology Machine Guns Improved airplanes Radar and walkie-talkies
Aircraft carriers Medicines (penicillin) Improved submarines Sonar to detect submarines Fast moving tanks



8 German Blitzkrieg Means “Lightning Warfare”
Fast, intense, shock and awe to overwhelm the enemy Carried few supplies, required soldiers to live off the land Poland is defeated in one month Others defeated: Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, France

9 Miracle of Dunkirk Allies were trapped between an advancing Germany army and the English channel British send every boat they could find (military, civilian, row boats, fisherman) to save the soldiers 300,000 lives saved


11 Battle of Britain Operation Sea Lion: Invasion of Britain
Hitler bombed London and all of England all day and night Bombing did not hurt morale; British kept fighting Hitler abandoned GB, but wanted to attack another country to increase Germany growth (nationalism) – Soviet Union


13 Operation Barbarossa Hitler planned to invade USSR
Largest Military offensive in World History 3 million German troops invaded killing 2.5 Million Russians

14 Operation Barbarossa The Soviet Union learned from history…..
What strategies do you think they employed as they were being invaded? Scorched Earth! Just like Napoleon! By the time the Nazi’s reached Moscow they had zero supplies

15 “General Winter” “Russia’s most deadly soldier”
1000’s of Nazi’s freeze to death German military weakened Hitler forced to retreat Retreat was a major mistake




19 Exit Ticket Complete page 15 in packet

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