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授课人: 徐亚姐 单 位: 合肥商贸科技学校.

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Presentation on theme: "授课人: 徐亚姐 单 位: 合肥商贸科技学校."— Presentation transcript:

1 授课人: 徐亚姐 单 位: 合肥商贸科技学校

2 Autumn

3 the Mid-Autumn Festival

4 traditional

5 lunar

6 Lesson 1 Festivals

7 C A B

8 Who celebrate the Mid-Autumn Day? What‘s the traditional food?
Please read Passage A carefully and try to answer the following questions. Who celebrate the Mid-Autumn Day? What‘s the traditional food? Why is this festival important? What is the moon like on that day? 5. Do you know any stories about this festival? 6. Do you know any music or poems about the festival? 7. Do you know any other typical activity on this festival?

9 When will the moon be clear and bright?
With a cup of wine in my hand, I ask the blue sky. I don't know what season it would be in the heavens on this night. I'd like to ride the wind to fly home.

10 Please read Passages B and C carefully .
The whole class will be divided into two groups. Each group will list several questions about one of the passages . In turn each group will ask its questions for the other groups of students to answer. Each correct answer will win one score for his team!

11 Quiz

12 the Dragon Boat Festival

13 the Lantern Festival

14 Typical activity or food Special meaning
Festivals Season& date/ month Typical activity or food Special meaning the Mid-Autumn Festival the Lantern Festival the Dragon Boat Festival September or October moon cakes family reunion a special occasion for family mark the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations the fifteenth day of the first lunar month sweet dumplings the exhibit of lanterns the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar year zongzi the dragon boat race mark the beginning of the hottest season of the year

15 the Double Ninth Festival
It is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. People usually climb mountains on that day. Now it is also a festival for the old people.  the Double Ninth Festival

16 It usually falls on the 4th or 5th of April
It usually falls on the 4th or 5th of April. On that day, the whole family will visit their ancestors(祖先) or relatives' graves, so it is also named as Tomb-sweeping Day. Ching Ming Festival

17 It falls on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month and it’s a traditional festival full of romance. There is a beautiful love story passed down from generation to generation. the Double Seventh Festival

18 It is the most important festival for the Chinese people and it is a special occasion for all family members to get together, just like Christmas in Western countries. the Spring Festival

19 What do you think of that?
In 2005, both China and the South Korea applied for the World Intangible Cultural Heritage(世界非物质文化遗产) for the Dragon Boat Festival. But … What do you think of that?

20 Group work Imagine that China is going to apply for the World Intangible Cultural Heritage for the Spring Festival. And some officials are sent to your city. You are asked to make a brief introduction to the Spring Festival in English.

21 Festival ? activities stories typical food music/ songs date
… falls on … It is celebrated by … It marks … The typical food/ activity for …is…

22 Tips 除夕 New Year's Eve 年糕 Nian-gao; rise cake
春联 Spring Festival couplets 烟花 fireworks 爆竹 firecrackers 红包 red packets 舞狮 lion dance 守岁 staying-up 拜年 pay New Year's visit 庙会 temple fair

23 Assessment 等级 评价内容 5 4 3 内 容 有内容/情感/意义/ 有趣 有一定意义/趣味性,内容较平淡 内容平淡 逻 辑 性
内 容 有内容/情感/意义/ 有趣 有一定意义/趣味性,内容较平淡 内容平淡 逻 辑 性 语句有序 有一定逻辑性 缺乏逻辑性 表 达 清楚,能反映当前学习水平 基本能反映当前学习水平 尚需努力

24 Homework Please write the introduction in your exercise book.
Please surf the Internet for more information about traditional festivals, including foreign countries. Please do the exercises on Page 37.

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