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Formation as Transformation

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1 Formation as Transformation
Holistic Formation-2 Formation as Transformation

2 Learning to Walk in Christ’s footsteps Willingly, lovingly and freely

3 Transformative formation takes in to account:
What is happening in the individual student (intra-personal) The dynamics of the group and its formative impact (interpersonal) The effect of the culture of the province/delegation and the society on students (socio-cultural)

4 Holistic Formation begins with a holistic vision of the human person
The four perspectives broaden our understanding of the person Interior Exterior Individual Collective

5 Individual Collective
Interior individual Intentional (thoughts, beliefs, values, feelings) “I” Exterior individual Behaviour (Behaviours , habits and skills one has leant and exhibits:) “It” Interior Exterior Interior-collective Culture (including family, community and relationships, interpersonal factors) “we” Exterior- Collective Social systems Canon Law, Constitutions, General/Provincial Governments (rewards, punishments) “Its” Collective

6 Skills to be trained for holistic Formation

7 Individual Collective
Interior individual Exterior individual Discipline, Talents, virtues, skills , study Listening (to God, self, others, world) Observation, awareness Discrimination/critical thinking Healthy Self-criticism Individual Discernment Interior-collective Relational skills Fraternal correction Charism Community dynamics Non violent communication Community Discernment Exterior- Collective Social analysis JPIC concerns Contact with the poor Pastoral resources Collective

8 Why holistic formation?
One may be intellectually advanced, but emotionally infantile. Presence of adult children in communities Or morally and spiritually advanced, but lacking in critical thinking A psychogram helps to give attention to areas that are less developed.

9 1. Attention to various dimensions and stages of growth: A Psychogram
Growing in Maturity in all dimensions Christo-centric Open to God and all others 3 intellectual Self-trascendence pastoral Ethno centric Open to some moral 2 Charismatic spiritual emotional psychosexual Ego Centric “I & Me” 1

10 Practical applications of holistic learning
1. Learning something by the whole person using all one’s faculties to facilitate internalization. 2. Learning to be a whole person. Attending to the development of all dimensions of the person. 3. Learning How to learn. Taking care of the process of learning

11 Internalization of values for a transformative formation
Formation is a radical transformation in all dimensions of human experience Since the spiritual dimension is central to all the other dimensions, transformation is essentially spiritual transformation.

12 Formative Accompaniment
2 Formative Accompaniment

13 The formators The principal mediators on the part of the congregation in the journey of the young missionaries. A mediation through their lives, teaching and formative interventions.

14 Formative accompaniment Formator’s Role
Traditional Approach Facilitative approach Disciplinarian Warden Directive Teaching Advising Reward/punishment Accompaniment Self discipline self-creating Empowerment Mentoring Multiple ways to address different needs

15 Formator’s role & Accomapaniment
We especially stress the importance of personal accompaniment of the formandi... (MFL 63.1) We will improve the preparation of formators making use of the “School of the Heart of Mary” and developing other initiatives.... (MFL 63.3)

16 Formation as facilitation
Formators’s multiple interventions 1. Prescriptive (direction, guidance, advice) It Seeks to guide the behaviour of the formandus to suit the chosen style of life 2. Informative (teaching, giving input) It Imparts knowledge, information and meaning to the other

17 3. Confronting Seeks to raise consciousness about some limiting attitude or behaviour of which the student is relatively unaware 4. Cathartic Seeks to enable person to discharge, to pour out blocked emotions, primarily grief, fear and anger

18 5. Catalytic Seeks to elicit self discovery, self-directed living, learning and problem solving. To help people become more responsible for who and what they are to gain greater control of their lives 6. Supportive Seeks to affirm the worth and value of the formandus, his qualities, attitudes and actions

19 Supportive Formative interventions Confronting informative catalytic cathartic prescriptive Knowing how, when and to what measure these interventions are to be used formatively is important for appropriate accompaniment.

20 For reflection What kind of preparation do our formators need to accompany the young formandi today? How do you prepare your formators in your province?

21 Accompaniment of the formandi
Presence of the formators in the formative journey of the formandi in the name of the congregation Knowing the formandi enough in the various dimensions of his life in order to discern and enhance his vocational growth Engaging with the formandi by way of the different formative interventions.

22 Special moments of accompaniment
Critical events in the life of the student Significant moments of discernment (professions, ordinations…) Pastoral year Quinquennium

23 For Reflection and sharing
How much do you allow your formators to know about you? How present do you think they are to what is going on in your life? How can you help your formator to know you closely?

24 3 Formative resources

25 Formative resources (MFL 63.4)
“If you do not know where you want to go, it does not matter which way you take” - Alice in Wonderland A principle to choose effective strategies: 20/80 Principle of Wilfred Pareto : 20% of activities produce 80% of results in any enterprise. If you attend to those 20% activities, you are influencing 80% of your results What are those activities that fall into the 20% that affect 80% of results in each of the dimensions of formation?

26 Choosing the resources
Availability of rich resources today more than any time Each dimension has its appropriate tools Choosing the resources to facilitate formation towards its objectives

27 Choosing the resources
For example, take conceptual learning. Conventional learning process used in the study of philosophy and theology can be greatly enhanced if we make use of holistic learning methods (whole person learning) and learning how to learn. It includes: - comprehension methods - Reading skills - study methods - memory - Writing skills etc

28 For example, How does the study Christology or Trinity affect the life of a student?

29 Formation is Life based

30 What can we do? Opt a holistic vision of formation
Improve and update the libraries in the formation houses. Make use of audio visual and IT formatively to enhance learning Supplement conceptual learning with life based growth programs

31 Two concrete formative projects
Biblical formation Goal: By the end of initial formation, a Claretian aquires deeper knowledge and love of the Word of God and apply it in his life JPIC To integrate and implement the JPIC project of USG with local and congregational adaptations

32 Intercultural formation
4 Intercultural formation

33 Intercultural Formation
Most of our formation houses are intercultural. Need to affirm the mutual enrichment of cultural diversity of the missionaries Interculturality lived within the unity of our charism and mission. “We are claretians because we share the same charism, not because we come from other cultures” Inculturation should go with interculturality

34 Points to consider We have ample experience to draw important lessons for the future. Careful selection and adequate preparation of people sent for universal mission. Good level of language learning Proper accompaniment during and after formation.

35 Study of languages Need for closer communication among CMF in the global context Spanish and English as the two congregational languages Need to promote active and/or passive knowledge of both Practical and creative ways to learn language during initial formation

36 We should become the change that we want to see in others
A reminder We should become the change that we want to see in others

37 Formation too is a shared mission

38 We follow Jesus with our whole selves in the style of Claret together with our brothers

39 Gazing at Jesus Christ And His Mother, We learn to be Human Christian And Claretian

40 Men on fire with God’s love
and become Men on fire with God’s love

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