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Creating a Vocation Culture Fr. Steve Ryan, SDB. Activities & Programs: Educating and Evangelizing.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a Vocation Culture Fr. Steve Ryan, SDB. Activities & Programs: Educating and Evangelizing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a Vocation Culture Fr. Steve Ryan, SDB

2 Activities & Programs: Educating and Evangelizing

3 Goal Happy, Holy and Healthy Youth Going to Heaven

4 The Dimension of Vocation in Youth Ministry Our plan of education and evangelization has at its center the person and his life, promoting integral growth, his insertion into the social and cultural context and help to fulfill his plan of life according to the Will of God.

5 Vocation animation ought to be present in every moment, in every activity and phase of our education and ministry, as an inspiration and as a concrete and natural finality to our youth ministry.

6 Towards this end, Salesian Youth Ministry wants to help the young: To look at the future with an attitude of availability & generosity in order to know & to mature in ones own vocation (Vocation of Life) To listen to the voice of God so that they respond knowingly & freely to their vocation To accompany them in drawing up their plan of life

7 A. As an attitude on the part of the individual taking responsibility for his own life B. As an assistance on the part of the adult who offers help for discernment This help is understood in Two Complementary Ways

8 We need to create a Vocation Culture that means EVERYONE – in the community. In order to achieve this objective:

9 Five Priorities for Action have been Identified by the North American Vocation Congress – 6 years ago

10 To pray: To be holy, to be converted, to worship Priority # 1:

11 Do you start each class with a prayer? Is Sunday mass a part of your weekly schedule? Do you regularly receive the Sacraments of Eucharist & Reconciliation? Do you actively participate in the liturgical services? Do you encourage students to participate? PRIORITY #1: TO PRAY

12 Priority # 2: To Evangelize: To teach, To form, To catechize

13 Are we channels of the Good News of the Gospel to our students, fellow teachers and our particular spheres of influence? (Joyful?) Do we provide an education that is geared particularly to the questions, concerns and challenges of our students in a way that makes Christian values meaningful to them? Do we integrate Christian values into your subject area? How? PRIORITY #2: TO EVANGELIZE

14 To Experience: Worship, Community, Service, Witness Priority # 3:

15 Or do we just talk the talk? Lets show some enthusiasm for our communal prayer services, retreats, service projects and community building events. Do we

16 Do students see us as a united front? Do they see us relax together? Pray together? Plan together? Do we talk politics in front of those who we are accompanying? Do we support service programs? Do we encourage students to serve the community? PRIORITY #3: TO EXPERIENCE

17 To Mentor: To accompany, To guide, To model, To witness Priority # 4:

18 Don Bosco was an expert at individual and group accompaniment toward a holy and full life. Are we taking time to mentor? Are we hanging out with our students? Do we listen to them? Do they listen to us? Do we make ourselves available to those who seek spiritual direction & guidance? PRIORITY #4: TO MENTOR

19 To Invite: To discern, To choose, To commit Priority # 5:

20 Are we hesitant about explicitly inviting our students to activities and programs that will help them grow in faith? Do we propose leadership roles for our students to become protagonist in our ministry? As a school community, how can we effectively invite more students to discern a vocation to brotherhood, sisterhood or priesthood? PRIORITY #5: TO INVITE

21 Some Signs of a Vocation to the Salesian Brotherhood & Priesthood Salesians of Don Bosco

22 Spirit of Prayer love the Mass? pray privately during the week? attend weekday Mass? devotion to Mary and the saints? read spiritual books, periodicals, etc.?

23 Sufficient Health has sufficient health to study, to live in community, and to do youth ministry The Salesians do not accept those who need specialized care.

24 Willingness to Study Can handle studies (Philosophy & Theology) & in other areas of professionalism? (Salesians are educators) Has good study habits? Interest in the Churchs teachings & Don Bosco? willing to learn more?

25 Emotional Maturity sufficiently mature for his age? subject to frequent depression, anger, anxiety or addictions?

26 Ability to Live in Community? Has the ability to share or has to have private money, car, food, etc? Can overcome U.S. individualism & narcissism? Can sacrifice oneself & personal needs for the good of the community? Is generous?

27 Love for Youth loves working with the youth? sense a need to help them grow spiritually? can initiate a conversation with them? willing to spend time with them?

28 Proper Motivation Wants to live his life to save his soul and to help save the souls of others? Is not running away from life but running toward love?

29 The Vows Can live a celibate & chase lifestyle? Can live simply in imitation of the poor Christ according to Salesian norms? Can surrender to Gods will as manifested by obedience?

30 Thank you and God bless Salesian Vocations Office 973-761-0201

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