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Procedure of PLA-Production and Degradation

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1 Procedure of PLA-Production and Degradation

2 2. Separation of Cells by Centrifugation
2.1 Fill 40 ml of fermenter medium in two 50 mL Falcon Tubes. 2.2 Centrifuge the Falcon-Tubes at 5000 rpm for 10 minutes. Supernatant Pellet

3 3. Concentration of Lactic acid by destillation
mL of supernatant will be destilled. Heating system Distillation flask with supernatant Reflux condenser Flask with distilled water Water suply Thermometer

4 3. Distillation 3.2 Distill app. 50 mL H2O. 3.3 Cool down the lactic acid solution.

5 4. Polymerization of Lactate
4.1 The following lab items you need for the polymerization: Test tube rack Funnel Petri dish Test glass holder Test glass SnCL2 Burner Lighter Probe Protection googles Spatula

6 4.2 Pipette 5 mL of lactate-solution in a test glass.
4.3 Add the catalyzer SnCl2.

7 4.4 Heat the solution for 5 – 10 minutes in a fume cupboard by steady shaking to avoid boiling retardation.

8 4.5 When an intensive white smoke is coming up poor the liquid in a 40 mL beaker.
 By cooling down in the beaker PLA gets solid.

9 5. PLA-Degradation by Hydrolyses
5.1 Add 10 mL dist. water into the beaker and stirr.  PLA gets slowly soluble. 10 mL H2Odist.

10 6. PLA-Degradation PLA-Foil PE-Foil 7 d d d d Source: BASF

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