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“The Colonists Resist Tighter Control”

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1 “The Colonists Resist Tighter Control”
Chapter 5 Section 2 “The Colonists Resist Tighter Control”

2 Results of the French and Indian War
France has lost almost all of its land and influence in North America. Britain is now deep in debt. Why? Colonists are happy that the new land taken from the French will be available to own. The French have moved out of the Ohio River Valley, but who is still there? There will be conflicts between the colonists and the Indians. (Pontiac’s War)

3 The Proclamation of 1763 After defeating Pontiac, the King decided that he no longer wanted to keep fighting the Indians. He set a boundary along the Appalachian Mts and told the colonists that they could not cross it. This angered the colonists because they believed that they had a right to the land.

4 Paying for the War The French and Indian War left Britain deep in debt. The King decided that the colonists should pay for the war. How does a government get money? These taxes angered the colonists because they believed that since they had fought in the war, they had done enough already.

5 Conflict Between Britain and the Colonists
The Sugar Act – placed a duty (import tax) on almost all goods that were sweet. (sugar, molasses, etc.) The Quartering Act – in order to save money, the King decided to force colonists to allow soldiers to live in their homes. The Stamp Act – placed taxes on almost all paper goods like newspapers, wills, contracts, and etc.

6 The Colonists Fight Back
To say the least, the colonists were not happy about having to pay special taxes. They wrote petitions to the King. They protested in the streets. They boycotted all taxed goods. Eventually, the King will repeal the taxes, but the trouble over taxes isn’t over.

7 The Townshend Acts The King decided to place some more taxes on the colonists with the Townshend Acts. These taxes covered many of the goods that the colonists used everyday and were very hard to get around. One of the taxes was on the most popular drink in the colonies, tea.

8 The Boston Massacre On March 5, 1770, colonists met in Boston to protest this tax on tea. The governor began to feel threatened and called British troops in to surround his house. The colonists began to harass the soldiers by calling them names and throwing snow balls at the them. Someone yelled fire, and the soldiers shot into the crowd killing 5 people. The rest of the protesters ran back to their homes. The next day, the newspapers referred to this incident as the Boston Massacre. The soldiers were put on trial for murder and all were found not guilty. Only 2 of the soldiers were punished, they had their thumbs smashed. The Boston Massacre further angered the colonists against the King.

9 TCAP Checklist 8.2.5 Identify various forms of taxation.
8.4.3 Purpose of govt. and how powers are used. 8.5.4 Recognize causes and consequences of conflict. 8.6.1 Impact of group decisions on historical events. 8.6.2 Impact groups have on change.

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