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999 AND YOU.

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1 999 AND YOU

2 Who are we? South Western Ambulance Service provides urgent and emergency care to the whole of the South West, from Gloucestershire to Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

3 Our Uniform What colour uniform do we wear?
The South Western Ambulance Service uniforms are green. Also show RTC coat and explain why it is a brighter colour.

4 The Ambulance Colours Yellow Blue Lights/Beacons
A DCA (dual crew ambulance) is equipped for taking sick or injured people into hospital Colours Yellow Blue Lights/Beacons What is an ambulance and who is it for and not for? A front line ambulance otherwise known as a DCA which stands for dueled crew ambulance is a vehicle equipped for taking sick or injured people to hospital in an emergency. What colour is an ambulance? Common colours for an ambulance in the South West are yellow with blue lights, otherwise known as beacons.

5 An Inside Look Stethoscope Blankets Gloves Bandages
What does an ambulance have inside? Hand out and explain some basic kit such as, stethoscope, bandages, blanket, and gloves. Use the fancy dress uniforms. Gloves Bandages

6 When you need 999 What is an emergency?
Ask for examples; a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.

7 SERIOUS UNEXPECTED DANGEROUS When you need 999 What is an emergency?
Ask for examples; a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action. DANGEROUS

What is an emergency? Ask for examples; a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action. DANGEROUS

9 When you DON’T need 999 What is not an emergency?
Ask for examples, stress the importance of hoax calls, and how they impact the service as well as patients who could miss out on an 8 minute response due to the hoax.

10 When someone close can help you
When you DON’T need 999 Not an emergency Prank Calls What is not an emergency? Ask for examples, stress the importance of hoax calls, and how they impact the service as well as patients who could miss out on an 8 minute response due to the hoax. When someone close can help you


12 Calling 999 KNOW YOUR HOME ADDRESS! 1234 SWAST Street NHS Land
Savingyourlifeshire NH5 5WAST Demonstrate a 999 call Chose volunteers and demonstrate a 999 call, see if they know their own address, explain the importance of knowing your address. Talk through the process of the first point of contact to the last.

13 The Recovery Position Demonstrate the recovery position with two students. Direct one student and the other student can be the patient.

14 CPR Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Demonstrate CPR
Allow the children to practice on the Annie’s, discuss how they would know when to use CPR.

15 DR. ABC Staying safe, yourself the casualty and others
Use an exercise to identify a risk whilst coming across an incident and what they would do to keep themselves and everyone safe.

16 ANY QUESTIONS? Allow children to ask any questions and answer them.
Discuss learning outcomes, such as correct numbers to phone in an emergency and non-emergency, what ambulances are for and so on.

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