Strengthening Student Success in Online Programs through e-Support Services March 22, 2011 Christina Royal, Ph.D. Cuyahoga Community College.

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Presentation on theme: "Strengthening Student Success in Online Programs through e-Support Services March 22, 2011 Christina Royal, Ph.D. Cuyahoga Community College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengthening Student Success in Online Programs through e-Support Services March 22, 2011 Christina Royal, Ph.D. Cuyahoga Community College

2 agenda Introduction Why focus on e-support services Which e-services to consider Case studies Cuyahoga Community Colleges process Making the business case/strategies for facilitating change

3 Institutional Overview Cuyahoga Community College Largest & Oldest Community College in Ohio Public Institution serving 55,000 students Multi-Campus/Site Environment Distance Learning, approx 17,000 students Technology-rich environment Culture of Innovation

4 How many online programs does your institution currently have? A. None B. 1-10 C. 11-100 D. 101+

5 Why a focus on eSupport Services? Historically new programs = new curriculum Student expectations are changing Technology has evolved Globalization Sustainability and going green Competition

6 Which e-services should I consider? e-advising online tutoring virtual office hours e-application online registration online new student orientation e-library Portal: my transcripts, my bills, my Tri-C card


8 Case #1: e-advising

9 Case #2: online tutoring

10 Case #3: orientation

11 The Process

12 Overview of Process

13 One College Approach to Distance Learning

14 A Data-Driven Process 2007 Survey to Tri-C faculty 2006 Survey to League for Innovation in the Community College Board Institutions 2006 OLN Report on Ohio e-Learning Peer-Reviewed Industry Research Faculty Luncheon/Campus Days Tri-C Historical Data Analysis Approximately 50% of future students prefer online or f2f/online mix (Eduventures, 2006)

15 Major Successes Institutional buy-in at all levels Accreditation approval to offer fully online degrees Awarded Title III grant to expand DL Funding for new positions External communications helped with community support

16 Lessons Learned More cross-sharing of information needed No such thing as too much communication No more than one committee per person (some folks were overcommitted) More procedural support needed Templates, consistent timeframes/due dates We need to celebrate our successes!

17 The Virtual Front Door

18 CENTSS Center for Transforming Student Services (CENTSS) Based on WCETs best practices in student services benchmarking and audit tool 31 e-student service audits are available provides data comparisons between the individual institution and the aggregate group results.

19 CENTSS Audits

20 Why was the process successful? Making the business case

21 Making the Business Case Definition of CHANGE: the process of becoming different to make different in some particular to make radically different, transform to make a shift from one to another to undergo a modification of SOURCE:

22 Making the Business Case Definition of EQUILIBRIUM: a state of intellectual or emotional balance a state of adjustment between opposing or divergent influences or elements a state of balance between opposing forces or actions that is either static or dynamic SOURCE: We are creatures of HABIT!

23 Strategies for Facilitating Change Get the right people on the bus in the right seats (Jim Collins) Keep the numbers of seats on the bus to a reasonable number Change membership, if necessary, to keep things moving forward

24 Strategies for Facilitating Change Data, data, data Research Use relevant examples (e.g., SHIFT HAPPENS and I am a PC video) Social data (e.g., comics) "We need to not look at online learning as a new way of doing what we have always done. We need to look at doing totally new things. New paradigms must be created that support our mission" (Bothel, 2001).

25 Strategies for Facilitating Change Engage stakeholders at all levels of the organization Be diverse and inclusive Bring in an expert Answer the unasked questions Whats in it for me? How does this relate to what I do? Facilitate the out-of-the-box and BIG thinking Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them. - Albert Einstein

26 Strategies for Facilitating Change What would it mean to your area if Tri-C [or insert your school] was to become the largest community college provider of distance learning in the USA? What would it mean to your area if no one wanted face-to-face service?

27 Strategies for Facilitating Change Communicate! (over and over and over) Never stop celebrating! Dont stop changing…

28 Questions? Christina Royal, Ph.D. Associate Vice President, eLearning & Innovation, (216) 987-4577

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