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Global Warming.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Warming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Warming

2 What is it?

3 Mercury - 173 C during the Night 427 C during the Day
Why isn’t the Earth like this?

4 Atmosphere Atmospheres regulate the heat
Therefore, we don’t have to adapt to UNBELIEVABLE temperature changes from day to night! During the day, the Earth’s Atmosphere protects us from the FULL STRENGTH of the Sun!

5 Atmosphere During the night, half the earth is in shadow, and the atmosphere keeps the HEAT ENERGY from escaping the earth! This is why it doesn’t reach absolute ZERO during the night.

6 OVERALL The Atmosphere: Cools down day temperatures and
Maintains the temperature at night

7 However For the past 2 centuries, the Atmosphere has been capturing MORE Solar Energy, causing a SLOW INCREASE in temperature on the Earth’s Surface. This is known as Global Warming

8 So What’s Happening? The Sun isn’t burning brighter or hotter…
In fact, the sun is VERY SLIGHTLY cooling down as the years go on… Where is the Extra Heat coming from? More importantly, what effects will it have on earth if this continues?

9 What is a Greenhouse Gas?

10 Greenhouse Gas Gases are made up of tiny particles called MOLECULES that absorb the sun’s Energy Common Gas Molecules such as CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) N20 (Nitrous Oxide) These are Greenhouse Gases because of the way that they CAPTURE Solar Radiation.

11 Greenhouse Gases These Gases act as somewhat of a Roof on the LOWER ATMOSPHERE, like the roof of a gardener’s greenhouse.

12 What Happens to a Greenhouse?

13 HOT!!! Heat gets TRAPPED inside!

14 Greenhouse Effect Gases such as CO2 and N2O act as a ROOF on the lower atmosphere Exactly like the ROOF on a greenhouse Solar Radiation/ Heat get’s trapped in and CANNOT escape As a result, it heats up the Earth!




18 Page 91 in your Textbook has a Great Picture!

19 Solar Radiation Sunlight Reaches the Earth as “Short-Wave Radiation”
This can penetrate both the Greenhouse Gases of the Atmosphere As well as the Roof of a Greenhouse That’s why you can still get sunburnt on a Cloudy day!

20 Solar Radiation After the “Short-Wave” Radiation has entered the lower atmosphere greenhouse… The Earth’s Surface or Greenhouse Floor warm up and give off heat as “Long-Wave” Radiation. What do we think the problem is now?

21 The Problem! The Solar Radiation has now been converted to “Long-Wave” Radiation THIS TYPE of Radiation CANNOT pass back through the Lower Atmosphere or Greenhouse Roof. They are TRAPPED!

22 The Outcome This causes the Temperature to RISE in the Lower Atmosphere, just like it would in a Greenhouse!


24 What does this have to do with Humans?

25 WE are the Cause! Due to our technological advancements: Cars Planes
Factories Etc. Humans are generating FAR MORE Greenhouse Gases such as CO2 and N2O than we were 250 years ago.

26 Problem? The Industrial Revolution started around 1760, and since then we have been producing more and more Greenhouse Gases. The ugly truth is… Humans are producing more Greenhouse Gases than the Earth is designed to deal with. Our Temperatures are Rising!

27 Effects of Rising Temperature!
What are they? 6 Major Ones in Total!

28 1. Temperature Increases of 8 Degrees C in Arctic Regions
Causing much melting of Polar Ice

29 2. Melting Glaciers in Mountain areas because of hotter summers and less winter snow

30 3. More Ocean Icebergs as the Antarctic ice shelf and Greenland glaciers break up

31 4. Rising Sea Levels around the world as frozen water is released into the Ocean

32 5. More Unpredictable weather as the sun raises Ocean temperatures in the tropics

33 6. Rapid changes in natural Vegetation patterns and in wildlife habitats, such as that of the Polar Bear

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