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The Health Technology Assessment Division of the

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1 The Health Technology Assessment Division of the
IFMBE: The Crucial Role of Biomedical Engineers Murilo Contó Health Policy – Boston Scientific IFMBE-HTAD

2 funding by Boston Scientific
Disclosure Boston Scientific Corporation (2018 – current) - Health Policy Manager IFMBE-HTAD (2018 – current) - Member-elected HTA-Division PAHO-WHO (2015–2018) - National Consultant in HTA & HTM CONITEC - Brazilian National Committee for Health Technology Adoption (2012–2015) - HTA Consultant - Medical Devices Ministry of Health of Brazil – Investment Projects ( ) - Medical Equipment Division Manager Atrial Equipamentos Médicos ( ) – General Coordinator funding by Boston Scientific Working to reach the universal health coverage, promoting the access for innovative medical devices to transform lives and improve the patient health.

3 Background Brazil Federal Republic with 27 states; 5570 cities
Population: 206 million Health expenditure: 9.1% of GDP Health Systems Unified Health System - SUS (Public Sector – 75%) Supplementary Health System (Private sector – 25%) Ministry of Health established in 2010 the National Policy of Health Technology Management, having with the main tool the HTA activities during the whole lifecycle of the technology Agencies responsible for HTA: ANVISA – Trade authorization CONITEC – Public Health System (SUS) ANS – Private Health System Brazil

4 Health Technology Incorporation in Brazil
National Health Surveillance Agency Issue the trade authorization into Brazilian market after check evidences of safety and efficacy National Agency of Supplementary Health Evaluate technologies to the Private Health Insurance Companies adoption Private Companies – Health Privates Plans Reimburses the adopted technologies to the Healthcare Providers National Committee for Health Technology Incorporation Evaluate technologies to the Ministry of Health adopts into SUS Ministry of Health Reimbursement programs and funding of equipment incorporadas Healthcare Providers Acquisition and use of technologies


6 Lifecycle of the Technology
Others crucial roles of biomedical engineering

7 Conclusion Biomedical engineering can support all steps of the medical devices access chain: from the R&D Innovation to Disinvestment and Replacement During the top of use of the technology, is possible to capture a lot of information to support the best time to replace it Biomedical Engineering in Brazil comprises several types of academic graduation, such as: Biomedical Engineer, Clinical Engineer, Health Technologist, Biomedical Systems Technologist and Biomedical Technician Biomedical Engineering Professionals are majority assigned in HTM activities. HTA activities still have few professionals with expertise in medical devices assessment Important to advance with HTA capacity building to increase the number of Biomedical Engineers in HTA activities

8 Thank you Murilo Contó Health Policy – Boston Scientific
Member Elected - IFMBE-HTAD

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