Journal Entry #94 Title: “The Watch”

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1 Journal Entry #94 Title: “The Watch”
In the story “The Watch,” Elie Wiesel’s most prized possession was the watch he received for his bar mitzvah. For him, it represented everything he had loved and everything he had been in his life. I want you to think about this. What are your most prized possessions? Why? Who gave it to you or where did you get it? Tell me the story about your item, just as he did. You have seven minutes to write your response to the prompt. Remember, format matters. Your writing should include all four comma rules (appositive, coordinating conjunction, introductory clause, and items in a list).

2 *Semicolon practice* Directions: place a comma and semicolon, where needed.
I have a semester exam tomorrow I cannot go out tonight. My car would not start this morning my battery was dead. His work was simple therefore he wasn’t paid much. I love cheeseburgers however I hate how greasy they are. Call me tomorrow I’ll give you my answer then. Your time is up you need to close your exam and give it to your teacher. The teacher taught the students learned.

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