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Promontory Point, Utah The location where the Central and Union railroad companies connected to for the Transcontinental Railroad.

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1 Promontory Point, Utah The location where the Central and Union railroad companies connected to for the Transcontinental Railroad

2 Cowtown Towns created along the Railway system across the country for the purpose of cattle sales. These towns were the end of the road for cattle drives. Here the cattle board trains to the meat markets of the big cities to the east.

3 Exodusters African Americans who settled western lands in the late 1800’s

4 Sodbusters The name given to the plains farmers who worked hard to bust up the regions tough ground

5 Wounded Knee The last major incident on the Great Plains between the US Army and Native Americans. In Sioux natives were massacred by US troops along this Wounded Knee Creek.

6 Little Big Horn AKA: Custer’s Last Stand
Sioux Indians led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull defeated General Custer and his entire command. Custer’s horse Comanche, was the only survivor.

7 Cooperatives A group of people (farmers) coming together, pooling their money to buy and share necessary equipment that they would not be able to afford on their own.

8 ROBBER BARONS Powerful industrial leaders who gained enormous wealth and power during the period after the Civil War. Rockefellar Vanderbilt JP Morgan Carnegie

9 FORD Assembly line A production system with machines and workers arranged so that each person performs and assigned task as the item passes by them.

10 Bessemer Process Stronger & Cheaper
A process that makes steal from iron. During the 1850’s this lead to faster, stronger, and cheaper steal production. Stronger & Cheaper

11 Philanthropy Charitable acts or gifts of money to benefit a community. An example being libraries or community centers for kids.

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