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50% of your final examination grade.

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1 50% of your final examination grade.
Learning how to recognise and understand common electronic input and output components . Identification of electronic symbols is important when answering exam questions. 50% of your final examination grade. Complete all tasks

2 Recap – Fill in the blanks
Input Process Output Feedback CLOSED LOOP Name the system diagram and give an example?

3 Why do you think symbols are used?
Circuit Diagram Electronic circuits are represented by circuit diagrams (see below) The various components are represented as symbols (orange dots) Components can be connected in series or parallel Series Parallel Series circuits – current flowing through the two components is even, if one lamp/bulb breaks the other will too. Parallel circuits – The components are connected in separate loops, the current is shared between each loop, if one lamp breaks the other will still work. Why do you think symbols are used?

4 Example of Parallel Circuit – Streetlights
Series Components (Orange) that are connected one after another The current that flows across each component is the same If one component fails the other will Series = Current flow Parallel Components (Orange) that are connected in separate loops (L1 & L2) The current is shared between each component If one component fails the other will work L1 Parallel L2 Example of Parallel Circuit – Streetlights

5 Input Symbols Symbol This is a simple on or off switch Input = Human
With this switch you have to push and hold to make the circuit work Input = Human Light activates this component and turns the circuit on or off Input = Light/Dark Heat activates this component and turns the circuit on or off Input = Heat

6 Output Symbols Symbol Lights up when current passes through it, lots of colours available and very small. The long leg is positive and the shorter one is negative. (LED) Output= Light Spins when current passes through it used to power a range of products Plays sound when current passes through it Buzzes when current passes through it

7 Other common Symbols Used to power electric circuits (energy storage) Used to reduce the amount of current flowing to a component The resistance can be changed by twisting this component Can be programmed to do different tasks. Eg flash lights in different sequences

8 Identify The components
2A 2B 2BC 2. 1A 1B 1C 1. 3. 3A 3C 3B Explain what each circuit does.

9 http://www. twothirtyvolts. org

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