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Academic Expectations

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1 Academic Expectations
Come to class prepared Have with you writing utensil, paper, textbooks, homework, and other required materials Stay on Task Keep up with what is going on in class. Copy notes and complete assignments as instructed. Do your part Completing homework and studying/reading are REQUIRED. Success takes preparation. You can not achieve your best if you aren’t trying your best. It only takes a few seconds of off task behavior to get “lost”. You have to keep working if you want to get done. Learning happens everywhere, not just in the classroom. You have to study and complete your homework to fully understand the material.

2 Behavior Expectations
Do not be a disruption. Get permission to get out of your seat or ask/answer a question. Be polite No one likes being disrespected. Make sure the words you choose and the tone you use are not rude. Accept redirection. Everyone makes mistakes. If you are reprimanded, don’t make it worse by arguing. Do as your teacher asks and let it be over. Class disruptions interfere with the learning process. They cause people to forget what is being covered and form misconceptions. Disrespecting someone is never a way to get what you want. It makes you look petty and ignorant. Being able to admit your mistakes and move forward is a sign of maturity and responsibility.

3 Consequences 1st check = Verbal Warning 2nd check = silent lunch
3rd check = detention, in-team isolation, or cross team isolation 4th check = Office referral Offenses are recorded on a class spreadsheet. Checks start over every two weeks. If a student habitually does not meet expectations, consequences can be accelerated.

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