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Skills for Healthy Relationship

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1 Skills for Healthy Relationship
Agenda: Warmup = Healthy Relationships Reading Passage/Mathematics Foundation of a Healthy Relationship Activity: The Respect Hotline Respecting Yourself and Others Activity: Toxic Relationships Ed Puzzle Video Communicating Effectively

2 Warm Up 5 Minute Brain Break: Must stay in seat and talk quietly. Phones will be taken if out. Attendance and Role will be Taken By Instructor Complete Reading Comprehension and Mathematics Challenge by yourself. No Talking. You have 20 Minutes to complete this challenge. Pass Packet to the person to the right. If you are the last person on the right give your paper to the person to the left.

3 Essential Question How can healthy relationships benefit your health?

4 Foundations of a Healthy Relationship
Relationship – a bond or connection you have with other people Friendship – a significant relationship between two people that is based on trust, caring, and consideration.

5 Traits of Healthy Relationships
Mutual Respect – You treat other people with respect and they respect you in return. Caring – you treat other people with kindness and consideration. Honesty – you are honest and open with others, rather than concealing your thoughts, feelings, or actions. Commitment – you contribute to the relationship and work to keep it strong, even if it means making some sacrifices.

6 Brain Break 5 minutes Edpuzzle Video: watch

7 Respecting Yourself and Others
When you respect yourself, you’re more likely to seek out relationships with people who treat you with respect.

8 Respect for Others Listen to other people. Be willing to hear and consider their points of view, even if you disagree with them. Be considerate of others’ feelings. Before you act or speak, consider how it might make the other person feel Develop mutual trust. Let others know they can trust you by being honest and dependable. Be realistic in you expectations. For example, you can’t expect friends and family members to always make you their top priority.

9 Tolerance Prejudice – an unfair opinion or judgement of a particular group of people. Stereotype – an exaggerated or oversimplified belief about people who belong to a certain group. Tolerance – is the ability to accept others’ differences. Bullying – deliberately harming or threating other people who cannot easily defend themselves. Hazing – making others perform certain tasks in order to join the group.

10 The Respect Hotline Instructions: You’re a volunteer at a teen dating abuse call center called the RESPECT Hotline. Choose two of the callers below and on the next page, write a thorough, thoughtful response to each. Minimum of at least 5 Sentences.

11 Brain Break 5 minutes

12 Communicating Effectively
Aggressive – overly forceful, pushy, or hostile. Passive – unwilling or unable to express thoughts and feelings in a direct or firm manner. Assertive – expressing your views clearly and respectfully.

13 Ways to Communicate Speaking skills – using “I” messages. An “I” message is a statement that will focus on your feelings rather than on someone else’s behavior. Listening skills – Active listening is paying attention to what someone is saying and communicating. Nonverbal Communication – Body Language is a nonverbal communication through gestures, facial expressions, behaviors, and posture.

14 Active Listening Don’t Interrupt. Give your full attention to what the speaker is saying. Show Interest. Face the speaker and make eye contact to show that you are paying attention. Restate what you hear. Rephrase or summarize the speaker’s words to make sure you understand what you’re hearing. Ask Questions. Can help you understand what the speaker is saying. Show empathy. Let the other person know that you can relate to his feelings.

15 Cooperative Learning Divide the class into groups of three students: a speaker, an active listener, and an observer. Groups have 2 minutes: To discuss their first topic. After the speaker has spoken. The listener will paraphrase what has been said. The observer will then offer constructive criticism and feedback of the active listening skills that were demonstrated. Repeat activity two more times so each student has a chance to serve in each role within his or her group.

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