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2.5.1 Gender: Boys, Girls and Stereotypes

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1 2.5.1 Gender: Boys, Girls and Stereotypes
I can describe myself positively, recognising my unique attributes and interests. I can give examples of, and can challenge, gender stereotypes. I understand and accept diversity amongst my peers.

2 A midwife says what sex a baby is when they are born

3 Today we are learning about gender
Today we are learning about gender. After we are born people start to see us and think about us as a boy or a girl even if they don’t know whether we have a vulva or a penis. This is when being a boy or a girl is called our gender. People might think they know your gender because of the clothes you wear, or how you behave, or the things you like to do.

4 Have you ever heard someone say “that’s boy’s stuff” or “that’s girl’s stuff”. What kinds of things do you hear people say this about? Why do you think a person might say such a thing?

5 Say you are a boy that likes to do ballet, how would you feel if someone told you, you shouldn’t do it? Billy Elliot film, 2000

6 Say you were a girl that likes to play football, how would you feel if someone told you, you shouldn’t play it? Billy Elliot film, 2000

7 Can you think of any names people call a kid if they are doing something that they think should only be done by a child of another gender?

8 Boys? Girls? The question is…..
Boys? Girls? The Gameshow theme tune: The question is…. Who might people say this rule should apply to?

9 Boys? Girls? The question is….. Be sensible
Who might people say this rule should apply to? Be sensible

10 Boys? Girls? The question is….. Don’t cry
Who might people say this rule should apply to? Don’t cry

11 Be good at fixing things
Boys? Girls? The question is….. Who might people say this rule should apply to? Be good at fixing things

12 Boys? Girls? The question is….. Be neat and organised
Who might people say this rule should apply to? Be neat and organised

13 Boys? Girls? The question is….. Don’t be affectionate
Who might people say this rule should apply to? Don’t be affectionate

14 Boys? Girls? The question is….. Be gentle
Who might people say this rule should apply to? Be gentle

15 Take risks and be daring
Boys? Girls? The question is….. Who might people say this rule should apply to? Take risks and be daring

16 Boys? Girls? The question is….. Love sport
Who might people say this rule should apply to? Love sport

17 Be good at fixing things Be neat and organised Don’t be affectionate
Boys? Girls? Be sensible Don’t cry Be good at fixing things Be neat and organised Don’t be affectionate Be gentle Take risks and be daring Love sport Is there one thing from our list that you really want girls and boys to be able to do equally?

18 A stereotype is an idea that people might have about a group of people based on how they look on the outside. When you stereotype people this is wrong because what is on the outside is only a small part of a person. Sometimes, what you might think about a group of people might be true for some of them, but to say they are ALL something (and especially something bad), then that’s a stereotype.

19 There are no rules about how to be a girl or a boy - be who you want to be.

20 You are a unique person, you know who you are
You are a unique person, you know who you are. In Scotland, we say that your gender should not matter, we are equal. We can do and like the same things no matter our gender. Sometimes people will tell you, “Oh a boy shouldn’t do that” or “Oh a girl can’t do that!”, but they are wrong, because it’s okay to be who you want to be.

21 That’s why we say… In this class, we are all individuals, different, unique and special.

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