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Presentation on theme: "Climate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate

2 Suppose you were going on a trip to Alaska in November. Would you pack
Shorts and a T-shirt?

3 pack the right clothing for a trip.
Would you pack a winter coat and mittens if you were headed to Hawaii in June? Knowing the climate of a place can help you pack the right clothing for a trip.

4 Climate the average weather conditions in an area over a long period of time. This is not the same as weather. depends on average temperature and precipitation Describe the climate of Alaska and Hawaii.

5 Click Here to watch a Video review of weather vs. climate

6 Circle the statement(s) that represent climate
All deserts are dry most of the time. it’s usually cold, but one day in January it was 70 degrees. Mt. Everest is located in the temperate zone, but the temp. barely reaches freezing. A meteorologist predicts the climate every day. Use the clouds to predict the climate Our summers are usually hot and rainy.

7 As we learn about each climate zone, color & label them on your map.
North Pole South Pole

8 Tropical Climate Warm and wet for most of the year
Winters are cool or cold & DESERT & DESERT

9 Rainfall is heavy in all months
Rainfall is heavy in all months. The total annual rainfall is often more than 250 cm. (100 in.). High surface heat and humidity cause cumulus clouds to form early in the afternoons almost every day. Warm temperatures year round with an average temperature of 80 degrees or higher. This climate zone does not experience all four seasons.

10 Hot and dry for most of the year
Desert Climate Hot and dry for most of the year & DESERT & DESERT

11 Average rainfall for the whole year is usually less than ½ an inch!
Deserts have a huge daily temperature range. They get can very hot during the day and cold at night. Light desert winds can help to evaporate any moisture in the air making it even more difficult for rainfall to occur.

12 Temperate Climate Summers are warm and hot Winters are cool or cold
& DESERT Winters are cool or cold & DESERT

13 Places with a temperate climate usually experience all 4 seasons (summer, winter, spring, fall)
Precipitation can fall year round in the form of rain or snow depending on the season. In a temperate forest, trees often lose their leaves in the fall & winter.

14 Polar Climate long cold winters & DESERT short, cool summers & DESERT

15 The polar climate zone is also called the tundra.
Winters in the polar zone are long and severe! They do have short season with milder temperatures, but a true summer does not exist. Precipitation (mainly snow) increases during the summer, but still remains a relatively small amount. Even though this climate zone does not receive a large amount of annual snowfall, what does fall on the ground does not melt for a very long time because of the extreme cold!

16 What climate am I? Click the box Polar Temperate Tropical

17 Great Job! Honolulu, Hawaii is in the tropical climate

18 What climate am I? Polar Temperate Tropical

19 Great Job! Albany, NY is in the temperate climate

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