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The Scientific Method Biology Ms. Stocker.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Method Biology Ms. Stocker."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Method Biology Ms. Stocker

2 The Scientific Method Series of steps to solve a problem
Scientists use several ways to analyze situations: Experiments Models Observations

3 Steps Abbreviation to remember: PHEOC
There are small differences to each step and where to do each process This works for this class!

4 P - Problem It is a question that a scientist asks after observing something in nature Always look for a “?” If you are identifying a problem it will always be a question

5 H - Hypothesis A hypothesis is the answer to the question
Generally an educated guess In other words, you do research to make an informed decision about what is the answer to your problem Hypothesis must be testable Written in “If…Then…” format If a plant gets 20 hours of sunlight, then it will grow taller.

6 E – Experiment This is how a scientist tests their hypotheses
It is a set of materials and a step by step procedure for conducting the experiment It is very detailed and designed to test only one thing at a time If an experiment cannot be repeated the results would be invalid or not true!

7 O – Observations This is data, table, charts, and graphs that are created while you experiment and after They give visual representation of what you learned in the experiment

8 C – Conclusion Restates hypothesis and if it was correct
The assumption is based on the data collected in the experiment If the experiment did not support the hypothesis you identify ways you might need to retest your hypothesis

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