Gothic Literature The Elements.

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Presentation on theme: "Gothic Literature The Elements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gothic Literature The Elements

2 What is Gothic Literature?
Ruin, decay, death, terror and chaos Dark side of nature Irrational human behavior

3 Characteristics Intricate plot Stock characters The “Double”
Subterranean labyrinths Ruined castles Supernatural occurrences

4 Themes

5 Terror vs. Horror Terror grows out of suspense Horror produces disgust

6 Appearance vs. Reality Events appear to be supernatural
Realistic explanations are offered Dreamlike / nightmarish state Narrator or characters may appear to be sane but….


8 Confinement Claustrophobia Entrapment of the hero/heroine
Subterranean passage way Elicits both horror and terror


10 Justice vs. Injustice Guilt and Reparation of sins Justice Triumphs

11 Styles

12 Setting Most important device Emotion
External conditions provide much of the suspense

13 Narrative Manner Complex and complicated
Woven around some theme or idea Epistolary First person

14 Mood Fear Anxiety Terror Horror Nightmares

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