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Time and Distance Graphs

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Presentation on theme: "Time and Distance Graphs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Time and Distance Graphs
Learning Objective: to learn how to read and draw time and distance graphs.

2 Match these and Explain What is Happening
km from start Walk, rest then jog home Cycle to town, shop and cycle home Racing car Minutes km from start Minutes km from start Minutes

3 Match these and Explain What is Happening
km from start Walk, rest then jog home Cycle to town, shop and cycle home Racing car Minutes km from start Minutes km from start Minutes

4 Walk, Rest, Jog Back km minutes

5 How long did the walk take?
60 minutes km minutes

6 How long was the rest? Walk 60 minutes Rest 30 minutes km minutes

7 How long did the jog take?
Walk 60 minutes Rest 30 minutes Jog 30 minutes km minutes

8 How far did they go in the first 30 minutes?
Walk 60 minutes Rest 30 minutes Jog 30 minutes km 2km 30 minutes minutes

9 How far did they go in the first 45 minutes?
Walk 60 minutes Rest 30 minutes Jog 30 minutes 3km km 45 minutes minutes

10 How fast was each section?
Walk 60 minutes Rest 30 minutes Jog 30 minutes km 8km/h (would go 8km in one hour) 4km/h 0km/h minutes

11 Match these and Explain What is Happening
km from start Walk, rest then jog home Cycle to town, shop and cycle home Racing car Minutes km from start Minutes km from start Minutes

12 Cycle to Town, Shop and Cycle Back
15 minutes Shop 25 minutes Return 20 minutes km 20km/h 15km/h minutes

13 Match these and Explain What is Happening
km from start Walk, rest then jog home Cycle to town, shop and cycle home Racing car Minutes km from start Minutes km from start Minutes

14 Racing Car km minutes

15 How Long does it take to do 1 Lap?
2 minutes km minutes

16 What is the average speed for each lap?
4km per lap 2 minutes 30 laps per hour = 4 × 30 = 120km km 120km/h minutes

17 5km in 15 mins 5km in 20 mins 20km in 1 hour 15km in one hour 20km/h
To town 15 minutes Shop 25 minutes Return 20 minutes km 5km in 15 mins 20km in 1 hour 20km/h 5km in 20 mins 15km in one hour 15km/h minutes

18 Race Commentary Finish Dee Salne Callum Start Time

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