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Tienes que leer un libro en español.

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Presentation on theme: "Tienes que leer un libro en español."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tienes que leer un libro en español.
Quasimodo: Tienes que leer un libro en español.

2 with adjectives Ser vs. Estar:

3 Los adjetivos: Every noun in Spanish has both gender and number. You must be sure that the adjective paired up with each noun matches both gender and number with the noun they are working with. Adjectives typically come after the noun they are describing.

4 Use adjectives with SER to describe…
Characteristics that are intrinsic to a person/item (they make that person/item who/what they are). This could be physical or personality characteristics. Descriptions you would use to identify a person/item that are less temporary. Use adjectives with ESTAR to describe… Condition of a person or item (what is it like now – not something that always was or will be the case) Emotion that someone is feeling. This is more temporary because we are talking about the emotion rather than the personality of the person.

5 Práctica:

6 Palabras que cambian de significado:
Ser Estar Aburrido Listo Malo Orgulloso Moreno Pálido To be boring To be bored To be smart To be ready To be bad, cruel To be ill, to taste bad To be proud, arrogant To feel pride To have dark skin/hair To be tan To have light colored skin To be pale (ill)

7 Palabras que cambian de significado:
Ser Estar Rico Seguro Verde Viejo Roto To be rich To taste good To be safe To be sure To be green To be unripe To be old To look old To be broken (but fixable) To be broken (forever)

8 Tarea: Worksheet part B + C Vocab quiz THURSDAY:
Los lugares (vocabulario clave parte 2) Las preposiciones (vocabulario clave parte 4)

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