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Ancient Mesopotamia: The First Great Civilization

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Mesopotamia: The First Great Civilization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Mesopotamia: The First Great Civilization
Theme Three: Government & Hammurabi’s laws

2 Guiding Question: What can Hammurabi’s laws teach us about Mesopotamian values and customs?
With the development of writing, Mesopotamians began to write down laws The most famous law- maker was the King Hammurabi of Babylon from B.C.E

3 Hammurabi’s Code The 282 laws were written on a large clay tablet in cuneiform (the written language in Mesopotamia) The tablet have survived almost entirely intact and is displayed in the Louvre museum in Paris, France.

4 Hammurabi’s Code The King created Hammurabi’s code which had 282 laws
The code was an important step towards creating a society where everyone’s rights were recognized The code brought an era of peace and prosperity to the city- states of Mesopotamia that were ruled by King Hammurabi He claimed that the gods had told him to write down laws to make sure “the strong may not oppress the weak”

5 Hammurabi’s Code The 282 laws covered all aspects of life: Family
Labour Buying & selling land Possessions & trade Each law had a set punishment

6 Hammurabi’s Court Activity

7 Guiding Question: What can Hammurabi’s laws teach us about Mesopotamian values and customs?
After exploring some of Hammurabi’s code, what values or customs are noticeable in Mesopotamian culture? SOME AREAS OF FOCUS: Which people are valued/respected? Not valued/ respected? What possessions are important to them? Which crimes are considered very serious? Which crimes are considered not serious?

8 Exit Ticket Please complete your exit ticket before leaving today 

9 What do you think? Using the examples of Hammurabi’s laws that are provided, talk with the people at your table and decide which category you think they should go in and WHY (you must be able to defend your stance): This law should be changed: This law should stay the same:

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