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Reading Comprehension

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Comprehension"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Comprehension
Strategies Y5 and Y6

2 Why read? We covered this last year: 20 minutes a day
Better results at GCSEs and A Levels; better universities; better job prospects Better mental health; less likely to be unemployed or turn to crime Why read?

3 Reading Vipers Vocabulary Infer Predict Explain Retrieve
Sequence or Summarise Reading Vipers

4 Here is an example for you to look at

5 Nouns: Common/concrete Proper Abstract Collective Grammar Terms

6 Every day objects such as chair, boy, girl, jam, toy, dog, cat etc

7 Names of people and places; days of the week; months of the year; and names of companies/brands.

8 Abstract Thinks you can’t touch but are feelings, ideas, qualities:
champion, love, glory, victory, joy, happiness, danger etc Abstract

9 A group of something: family; class of children; cackle of hyenas; flock of sheep; bunch of flowers; council; or jury Collective:

10 Adverb Describes a verb: Jumped slowly Ran quickly Laughed loudly
He never took the bread they offered Adverb

11 A doing or being word, e.g. I run,
he went, you are Verb

12 Describe noun: Beautiful flower Sleepy child Huge tree Adjectives

13 A part of a sentence that contains a verb and someone or something doing the action.

14 An important part of a sentence that would make sense on its own.
e.g. I went out even though it was raining. I went out is the main clause because it makes sense on its own. Main Clause

15 Subordinate Clause A less important part of a sentence
e.g. While you were out, I watched TV. While you were out is the subordinate clause because it doesn’t make sense on its own. which doesn’t make sense on its own. Subordinate Clause

16 That Which Who Whom Whose Relative Pronoun

17 A relative clause is a type of subordinate clause that describes or modifies a noun by using a relative pronoun E.g. Sarah, who was bookworm, read her new book in one evening. Relative Clause

18 Modal Verbs Words that show possibility:
Should, could, would, may, might, must, will, won't, ought and shall Modal Verbs

19 Resources for home https://www.examninja.c Katie’s classroom Discount Code: TEACHER50 Resources for home

20 Educational Apps

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22 Educational Apps

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