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The first three generations

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Presentation on theme: "The first three generations"— Presentation transcript:

1 The first three generations

2 In the beginning… There was Chaos, an enormous, shapeless darkness, a yawning void, if you will.

3 From this ultimate source of creation was born the five original elements.
Gaia ~ Earth Tartarus ~ the Underworld

4 Erebus ~ the gloom of the Underworld
Eros ~ the force of Love Nyx (Night) ~ the power of darkness

5 Night was a mysterious darkness, concealing evil and enemies.
(giving her a character made her less mysterious)

6 Nyx mated with Erebus Day Aether (pure upper atmosphere)
Also gave birth later to evils: Doom Death Misery Resentment Deceit Strife

7 Strife gave birth to… Murder Carnage Battle Lawlessness

8 Gaia gave birth to Uranus

9 Gaia also generated Mountains Pontus (personification of the sea)

10 Together, Gaia and Uranus made…
3 Hecatonchires Cyclopes: Arges, Brontes, Steropes

11 Gaia also gave birth to…
Daphne, a wood nymph Twelve Titans

12 Second Generation…the Titans

13 The Twelve Titans Males Females Oceanus, god of sea Hyperion, sun god
Iapetus Cronus Coeus Crius Tethys, Oceanus’ mate Theia, Hyperion’s mate Themis, earth goddess Rhea, earth goddess Mnemosyne, goddess of memory Phoebe

14 Royal Couple: Cronus and Rhea
Their children: Demeter Hera Hades Poseidon Hestia Zeus

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