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Japan 15.5 Notes.

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1 Japan 15.5 Notes

2 Hirohito Came to power in 1926 Reigned for 63 years
Promised to preserve world peace and benefit the welfare of the human race

3 Japan on the rise 1920’s Japan focused on prosperity and democracy
They drew back from their imperial goals and grew in prestige

4 Growth after WWI Japan’s economy soared after the war
They became an industrial power for supplying the allies with exports Japan grew while other countries were fighting WWI They annexed Korea, got rights in China with the 21 demands, took German possessions in East Asia

5 Liberal Changes in 1920’s Japan moved towards democracy
Political parties grew The Diet exercised great power 1925- all men got the right to vote Women don’t achieve the right to vote until 1945

6 Influence Japan’s government was influenced by the zaibatsu
They made donations to political parties, pushed for policies that only benefited their businesses and own interests 1922- Japan signed an agreement to limit the size of its navy with the U.S. , Britain, and France

7 Problems below the surface
Peasants were still very poor Factory workers earned low wages This drew this to ideas of Marx and Lenin Younger generations were in revolt against traditions The military and conservatives blasted government corruption

8 Earthquake 1923- an earthquake hits Tokyo and kills 100,000 people and damages 650,000 buildings 45% of the surviving workers lose their jobs because businesses were destroyed

9 Nationalist Reaction Great Depression ripped across the nation
Countries could no longer afford to buy foreign goods Ultranationalists condemned politicians for stopping overseas expansion They were also angry at the U.S. for the treatment to Japanese immigrants They set their sights on Manchuria

10 Manchurian Incident 1931- Japanese instigated an incident to declare war with China Japanese military conquered all of Manchuria They brought in their last emperor, Puyi, to head the state The League of Nations condemned this act, so Japan simply withdrew

11 Militarists in power A number of political officials and business leaders were killed Military leaders plotted to overthrow the government Unrest forced the government to accept military domination in 1937 Japan would sign a pact with Germany and Italy in September 1940 called the Axis Powers

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