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OPENER What organs are involved with digestion? What do you already know about how they work?

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Presentation on theme: "OPENER What organs are involved with digestion? What do you already know about how they work?"— Presentation transcript:

1 OPENER What organs are involved with digestion? What do you already know about how they work?

2 Parotid gland Mouth (oral cavity) Sublingual gland Salivary glands
Tongue Submandibular gland Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Pancreas (Spleen) Liver Gallbladder Transverse colon Duodenum Descending colon Small intestine Jejunum Ascending colon Ileum Cecum Large intestine Sigmoid colon Rectum Vermiform appendix Anus Anal canal Figure 23.1


4 Animation Ingestion Food Mechanical digestion Pharynx
• Chewing (mouth) Esophagus • Churning (stomach) Propulsion • Segmentation (small intestine) • Swallowing (oropharynx) Chemical digestion • Peristalsis (esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine) Stomach Animation Absorption Lymph vessel Small intestine Blood vessel Large intestine Mainly H2O Feces Defecation Anus Figure 23.2

5 OPENER Why is there no “one size fits all” formula for what people should eat?

6 OPENER Why is obesity a modern epidemic? What do you think is causing it? Test next week Monday

7 Control of Appetite: Chemical

8 What is going on? Knowing what you know about hunger controls, do you think this might have anything to do with the obesity problem? Video

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