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1.10 Report Findings to Communicate Research Information to Others

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1 1.10 Report Findings to Communicate Research Information to Others

2 Characteristics of an Effective Marketing Report
Describes the research methods and the data collection procedures Answers specific research questions to solve specific problems and make marketing decisions. When presenting report findings and inclusions, the researcher should include the information that is relevant to the marketing decisions to be made.

3 Elements of a Marketing Report
Limitations Section - all research is affected by certain outside events that have an effect on its accuracy. Limitations are part of any research project and should be presented openly in the report. Appendix – Follows the main part of the report. Includes questionnaires, interview forms, and other technical documents

4 Types of Visual Aids that can be used Effectively in Marketing Reports
Supporting Tables and Graphs Presents and explains the research findings in an uncomplicated visual manner. Computer Software An effective method of presenting complex report findings and recommendations to a large group of managers

5 Oral Reports Elements of a Marketing Report that should be Addressed in an Oral Presentation
Keep the presentation relatively simple. During an oral presentation of report findings and recommendations, the audience has only a certain amount of time to hear and understand the information. The information needs to be organized in a simple and logical manner and presented so that the audience will be able to grasp the meaning in the time allotted.

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