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Ch. 7- The Electoral Process

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1 Ch. 7- The Electoral Process
The Electoral Process consists of 3 elements: Nominations Campaigns Elections - Nominations can be conducted in several ways.

2 Nominations- Caucus A Caucus is a closed meeting of party leaders to select candidates. Process dominated by power groups in early days. Replaced by nominating conventions. Why do you think using a Caucus contradicts the principle of a Democracy?

3 Nominations- Conventions
1st National Convention held in 1831 by the Anti-Mason Party. Conventions then became a standard method of nominating. Greater participation in the nomination process takes power away from “Party Bosses”.

4 Nominations- Direct Primary
Election held within the party in which voters select the party’s candidate for the General Election. Selection done by National Convention. Primaries also done for Congress and some state offices. Regulated by State law To get on ballot, candidate must have a petition signed by a required number of voters.

5 2 Types of Primaries Open & Closed
Closed- 38 states, only declared members can vote in the primary. Discourages crossover vote. Open- 12 states, voters do not have to declare party affiliation. 2 states have a wide-open primary (blanket)- Alaska & Washington.

6 Primaries Candidate must receive a plurality to win.
The most votes. Some state have runoff election if no one receives a majority of votes. Lower voter turnout for primaries. 2 other methods to nominate a candidate: Petition and Self Announcement

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