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2 Bellwork What is freedom of the press?
What would it be like to be a newspaper writer or a TV journalist without freedom of the press? Would their job be more important or less important?

3 Standards 8.16 Explain how the practice of salutary neglect, experience with self-government, and wide spread ownership of land fostered individualism and contributed to the American Revolution. (C, E, H, P) 8.18 Describe the impact of the John Peter Zenger trial on the development of the principle of a free press. (C, P)

4 What is Mercantilism?

5 If the King didn’t enforce it, what do you think happened?
Salutary Neglect… Let’s talk about root words… This is when the English Crown did not enforce the “Navigation Acts” (Which did not allow the colonies to trade with anyone except England) If the King didn’t enforce it, what do you think happened?

6 Colonial Legislatures
British and colonial governments were similar in some ways, but they had important differences. Great Britain American Colonies King Governor Inherited executive power Appointed by and served the king but paid by the colonial legislature Parliament Colonial Legislatures House of Lords Aristocrats who inherited legislative power along with their inherited titles Upper House or Council Prominent colonists without inherited titles who were appointed by the governor House of Commons Elected by men who held significant amounts of property Few British men qualified to vote. Lower House or Assembly Elected by men who held property Majority of colonial men allowed to vote.

7 In the colonies, 50 to 75 percent of white men could vote, which was a far greater percentage than in England. English women, even those who owned property Native Americans Africans, whether free or enslaved But the following groups could not vote:

8 Why could more men vote in the Colonies than in England?

9 Colonists start feeling independent
They are more free than they would be in England They have more control over their world They are more self-sufficient They are getting used to doing whatever they want What are the advantages and drawbacks to this?

10 FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Click here to open article

11 “It is not the cause of one poor printer, but the cause of liberty!”
FREEDOM OF THE PRESS “It is not the cause of one poor printer, but the cause of liberty!” Who was John Peter Zenger? What did Zenger do that angered the governor? What is libel? Who was Andrew Hamilton? Why was Zenger found “not guilty” of Libel?

12 IN CLASS READING Read pages


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