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February 24th Should a country always support its allies?

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Presentation on theme: "February 24th Should a country always support its allies?"— Presentation transcript:

1 February 24th Should a country always support its allies?
What could be the long-term consequences of not supporting your allies?

2 The March to War

3 Nationalism A deep devotion to one’s nation
Leads to rivalries amongst Europe’s Great Powers and demands for independence in the Balkan nations

4 Imperialism Rivalry and mistrust develops between European countries as they compete for empires

5 Militarism Glorifying military power and keeping standing armies prepared for war

6 Triple Alliance (1882) Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy Began by Otto von Bismarck

7 Triple Entente (1907) Britain, France, and Russia align out of fear of Kaiser Wilhelm II and the growing German military power

8 With a partner Based on the map on p. 409
What is the largest ethnic group in the Balkans? Why would Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina not want to be controlled by Austria-Hungary? Why would Serbia align with Russia?

9 With a partner Based on “A Restless Region” on p. 409, find at least 3 reasons why the Balkans would be known as the “powder keg” of Europe.

10 Create a timeline of the events on the following dates: p. 410
June 28, 1914 July 23 July 28 July 28 (later that day)

11 Prediction After Russia and Austria are at war, what will happen next? Support your answer with facts.

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