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Respiratory System.

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Presentation on theme: "Respiratory System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Respiratory System

2 Function Supply the blood with oxygen
For the blood to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body Breathing Inhale oxygen; exhale carbon dioxide

3 The Pathway Air enters the nostrils Passes through the nasopharynx
The oral pharynx Through the epiglottis Into the trachea Into the right & left bronchi Branches and rebranches Into Bronchioles Terminates in a cluster of Alveoli




7 Alveoli ~300 million alveoli in two adult lungs
Provide surface area ~160 m2 ~ equal to the singles area of a tennis court; 80 times the area of your skin

8 Breathing Diaphragm Divides the body cavity into the abdominal cavity & thoracic cavity Pleural membranes Lines inner surface of thoracic cavity & outer surface of the lungs

9 Pleural membrane Adheres to each other creating a natural elasticity
secretes a small amount of fluid that lubricates each surface so that they slide past one another as the lungs expand and contract If air is introduced between the membranes, lungs collapse

10 Breathing Inspiration (inhale) External intercostals muscles contact
Lifts ribs out and up Diaphragm contracts Draws downward Expiration (exhale) Processes are reversed & natural elasticity of lungs returns to normal volume At rest, we breath times a minute; exchange ~500 ml of air


12 Breathing

13 Diseases of the Lungs Pneumonia Infection of the alveoli
Caused by many kinds of bacteria and viruses Tissue fluids accumulate in the alveoli Reduces surface area

14 Diseases of the Lungs Asthma
Constriction of the bronchi and bronchioles Difficult to breathe in and out Triggered by: Airborne irritants Chemical fumes, cigarette smoke Airborne particles allergies

15 Diseases of the Lungs Emphysema Alveoli break down
Reduces gas exchange area Forces the heart to pump larger volumes of blood Can lead to heart failure

16 Diseases of the Lungs Chronic Bronchitis
inflammation (or irritation) of the airways Main cause is cigarette smoking

17 Diseases of the Lungs Lung Cancer Most common cancer and cancer deaths
Uncontrolled proliferation of cells Most common types involve the epithelial cells lining the bronchi and bronchioles

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