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Use this PowerPoint to write your notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Use this PowerPoint to write your notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use this PowerPoint to write your notes.
There are colors that indicate if you need to write it down or not, so pay attention! You will also have questions to answer in your notes that we will use as discussion at the end of class.

2 Pre-Columbian America
Native American Culture

3 Essential Question: How did the environment of North America affect the cultures of Native Americans?

4 Note Taking Need to Know
If the text is in this color, YOU MUST write it down! If the text is in this color, it is SUGGESTED to you write it down, If it is underlined it is VOCABULARY. When you see Vocabulary words, define them in your own shortened definition

5 Peopling of America People came to North America approximately as early as 22,000 years ago via a land bridge A land bridge was formed when glaciers froze, exposing land between Asia and Alaska

6 w

7 Food Sources Many early people in North America were nomadic, meaning they moved from place to place. Typically they were looking for food and water. Early people also participated in a Hunting/Gathering

8 Food Sources Between 10,000 and 5,000 years ago early peoples developed agriculture (farming). (1) Why would it be significant for nomadic people to establish farming? Answer this in your notes in preparation for discussion

9 Societies in America South/Middle America
Olmec (Gulf of Mexico) Maya (A.D , Yucatan Peninsula/Guatemala) Aztec (1200s, Valley of Mexico) Inca (South America, 1200s-) Ancient Desert Farmers (Southwest) Hohokam Anasazi Eastern Woodland Iroquois


11 Relationship with the Land and Nature
Native Americans regarded land as the source of life (2) How would this influence their feelings towards land, and food gathering? Answer this in your notes in preparation for discussion

12 Religious Beliefs Many Native Americans believed that the Natural World was filled with spirits There was also a strong bond between families

13 Legacy Throughout American History
(3) What do you think is one of the most important aspects of Native American Life? (4) How could this have impacted their relationship with Europeans coming into the Americas? Answer these in your notes in preparation for discussion

14 Vocabulary Recap Land Bridge Nomadic Agriculture

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