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The Periodic Table & Electron Configurations

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1 The Periodic Table & Electron Configurations

2 Periodic Law – when the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, their physical and chemical properties show a periodic pattern Groups/families – vertical columns Periods – horizontal rows 7 periods & 18 groups

3 1 18 2 16 17

4 Metals, Nonmetals and Semimetals
Mostly solid at RT (exception Hg) Shiny, malleable, ductile Good conductors Nonmetals Often gases at RT, sometimes liquid or solid Not shiny Poor conductors Metalloids (semimetals) Properties between metals and non-metals (so identity disputed)

5 Valence electrons Valence electrons – electrons in the highest principal energy level that are an element’s outermost electrons For H and He these are found in the 1s orbital H has 1 valence electron He has 2 valence electrons

6 Valence Electrons Oxygen has 6 valence electrons in its n=2 orbitals (outermost)

7 Valence Electrons Aluminum has 3 valence electrons in its n=3 orbitals (outermost)

8 Valence electrons Valence electrons are where all the chemistry happens These are the electrons that are involved in chemical reactions

9 Electron Configuration: Noble Gas Notation
What is the electron configuration of He? 1s2 This can also be written as: [He] This is understood to mean: 1s2 Li = [He]2s1 Be = [He]2s2 B = [He]2s22p1 etc Until [He] 2s22p6 = [Ne]

10 Write the configurations for the first 4 alkali metals using sublevel and noble gas notation
Element Sublevel Notation Noble Gas Notation Li Na K Rb

11 Write the configurations for the first 4 alkali metals using sublevel and noble gas notation
What pattern do you observe? The configuration of the valence electrons is the same for all of them. This accounts for the similar chemical behavior of the alkali metals This also explains group chemistry Element Sublevel Notation Noble Gas Notation Li 1s22s1 [He] 2s1 Na 1s22s22p63s1 [Ne] 3s1 K 1s22s22p63s23p64s1 [Ar] 4s1 Rb 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s1 [Kr] 5s1

12 Orbital Blocks Electron configurations are the key to the structure of the PT Each block is defined by a type of orbital

13 s-Block Alkali metals and alkaline earth metals
plus hydrogen and Helium Valence electrons only in s orbitals Two groups b/c max of 2 electrons

14 p-Block Groups 13-18 (except He)
No p sublevel in first principal energy level Thus no p sublevel in period 1 6 groups because p orbitals in a level contain a max of 6 electrons

15 d-Block Groups 3-12 First d orbital is 3d
Up to 10 electrons so d block is 10 elements wide

16 f-Block Placed below main body of PT 28 elements
f sublevel contains up to 14 electrons so 14 elements wide Lanthanides insert after Lanthanum Actinides insert after Actinium Adding electron to the f-block does not follow the nice rules we have for elements further up the periodic table

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