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Mendeleev Created the first version of the periodic table.

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Presentation on theme: "Mendeleev Created the first version of the periodic table."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mendeleev Created the first version of the periodic table

2 First P.T

3 Periodic Table 12 3 4 5 6 Elements arranged on a periodic table by their atomic numbers 78

4 Periodic Table Period Tells the number of energy levels Family Tells the number of outermost electrons # of outermost electrons

5 The Periodic Table - Groups Families are the Columns Elements in the same Family: - have similar chemical properties - have the same # of valence electrons ( Valence electrons = the outermost electrons in an atom)

6 P Table : Families Heads Up! Families often called Groups - A-OK All elements with “A” in family number are in a group called Representative Elements Representative elements exhibit wide variety of physical and chemical properties

7 Ptable: Periods Periods are the ROWS The period number = the number of energy levels occupied by the element’s electrons Tells the number of energy levels in element Sodium, Magnesium and Aluminum all have electrons in the 3 rd energy level

8 What are the colors about? The Colors indicate classes of elements that have similar properties. Determined by electron configuration and behavior during chemical reactions.

9 What are the colors about? Metals: Alkali, Earth and Transition Solid at room temp (ex Hg) Malleable Conduct electricity Shiny appearance

10 What are the colors about? Metals: Alkali, Earth and Transition Alkali make compounds with halogens

11 What are the colors about? Metals: Alkali, Earth and Transition Will generally LOSE electrons during chemical reactions

12 What are the colors about? Transition Metals + Inner Transition Metals These classes will behave like metals, but in more varied manner Will lose different numbers of electrons depending on what they are reacting with

13 What are the colors about? Non metals: (including halogens and noble gases) Poor conductors of electricity gas or brittle solids at room temp

14 What are the colors about? Non metals: (including halogens and noble gases) Generally gain electrons during chem rxns (except for noble gases)

15 What are the colors about? Metalloids: Elements with properties between metals and non- metals

16 What are the colors about? Halogens: Exist in all 3 states of matter Will make compounds with Alkali metals

17 What are the colors about? Noble Gases: Elements that have full outermost electron energy levels Inert – Are not involved in chemical reactions How Stuff Works: Neon Signs

18 The period 7 elements Many period 7 elements have not been found in nature. Are made in labs or theoretically exist only. Usually radioactive.

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