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Ms. Crump - ART Principles of Art.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Crump - ART Principles of Art."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Crump - ART Principles of Art

2 What are Art Principles?
Rules for how art elements are organized to create unity in an artwork They are: Balance Variety Harmony Emphasis Proportion Pattern/Rhythm Movement

3 Balance Arranging art elements in an artwork so no one part of that work overpowers, or seems heavier than, any other part Three Types: Formal Balance Informal Balance Radial Balance

4 Formal Balance Also known as symmetrical balance
The two halves of the picture “mirror” or closely resemble each other

5 Informal Balance Also known as asymmetrical balance
Different elements appear to have equal weight

6 Radial Balance Have elements or objects positioned around a central point or hub

7 Variety Combing art elements with slight changes to increase visual interest

8 Harmony Combining similar art elements to create a pleasing appearance
Can be accomplished by using repetition and gradual changes

9 Emphasis Making an element or object in a work stand out

10 Proportion The relationship of certain elements to the whole and to each other Used to help create emphasis Used with size (one shape being much larger than the others) Used with color (one shape a different color than the rest)

11 Pattern/Rhythm Achieved through the repetition of colors, lines, shapes, and/or textures Makes work seem active or suggests vibration

12 Movement Creating the look and feeling of action to guide the viewer’s eye throughout a work of art

13 Unity A look and feel of oneness or completeness in a work of art
“Wholeness” Achieved when elements and principles are skillfully combined Harmony and pattern can help to accomplish this

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