Poetry Forms.

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1 Poetry Forms

2 Cinquain Poems http://hrsbstaff. ednet. ns

3 Haiku Poems (5-7-5) Short poems that use sensory language to capture a feeling or image. They are often inspired by an element of nature, a moment of beauty or a poignant experience. The haiku is a Japanese verse in three lines.  Line one has 5 syllables, line 2 has 7 syllables and line three has 5 syllables. Haiku is a mood poem and it doesn't use any metaphors or similes.


5 Limericks five-lines strict rhyme scheme (AABBA), which is often intended to be lighthearted and humorous. The first, second and fifth lines are usually longer than the third and fourth.


7 Concrete Poetry Poetry in which the arrangement of the words is as important in conveying the intended effect as the conventional elements of the poem, such as meaning of words, rhythm, rhyme and so on.



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