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Create a thesis statement

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Presentation on theme: "Create a thesis statement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Create a thesis statement
Assess the validity of the statement that the French and Indian War caused the American Revolution.

2 Part 1, Section 7 The Road to Revolution

3 Before We Begin Where is the Unit going? Why is it important?

4 Grievances – Short List
Mercantilist Policies Navigation Laws Stamp Act Sugar Act Tea Act

5 Two Important Ideas Republicanism Radical Whig ideology
Greece and Rome Representative Common Good over Self Interest Radical Whig ideology Monarchy too Strong Attack Corruption

6 What is Mercantilism? Power derived from wealth
Export more than import Colonies provide materials and market

7 Lead In To Taxes Debt Enforcement

8 Mercantilism in Effect
Loosely Enforced – Salutory Neglect Benefits Prices and monopolies Burdens Dependency Debasing

9 Quartering Act 1765 Quartering Soldiers

10 Stamp Tax 1765 Raise revenue for new military What did it cover?

11 Grenville Prime Minister Taxes lighter than England Admiralty Courts
Guilty until proven innocent No jury

12 Protests Point of Protection? Army is to keep colonists in line.
“No taxation w/o representation” For real for real? Legislation vs. Taxation

13 Stamp Act Repealed Stamp Act Congress Nonimportation Agreements
Sons (and Daughters) of Liberty Hits England

14 Declaratory Act England couldn’t understand 1766
Claimed absolute sovereignty over America

15 Townshend Acts Light import tax Used to pay salaries Smugglers

16 Day 2 Part 1.7 Cont’d

17 Boston Massacre Troops landed 1768 Colonists taunted 1770
Crowd threw snowballs Fired w/o orders, 11 casualties John Adams defense attorney

18 Committees of Correspondance
Townshend Acts Repealled Nav Laws enforced Samuel Adams Committees 1772 Spread Resistance Intercolonial Committee

19 Boston – Resistance Central
Cheap prices breaking nonimportation agreements. British East India Company Demonstrations Philly, Annapolis, NYC In Boston Disguised as Indians Tea Party

20 Intolerable Acts 1774 Boston Port Act Chartered Rights lost
New Quartering Act Aided by other colonies.

21 The Quebec Act 1774 Upset Americans Suppressing self-gov’t and juries

22 Lexington and Concord Meant to seize gunpowder and leaders
Lexington – too slow to disperse Concord “Shot heard round the world” Redcoat Retreat 70 Redcoats killed, 200+ wounded What is a casualty?

23 Continental Congress 1774 – Philly
Sam Adams, John Adams, Patrick Henry, George Washington. Social events after convention to ease friction

24 The Association Complete Boycott Not Independence Rejected Petitions
Gathering Arms

25 Battle of Lexington and Concord

26 Imperial Strengths Wealth Numbers Military Indian Allies Hessians

27 Imperial Weaknesses Ireland France Poor organization Reluctant to kill
Whigs rooted for Americans Second Rate Officers Distance Restoring Status Quo Not an Option No Urban Nerve

28 American Strengths Leadership Self-Sustaining Ag Moral Conviction
Washington, Franklin, Marquis de Lafayette Self-Sustaining Ag Moral Conviction Only had to not lose to win…

29 American Weaknesses Disorganization Regional Distrust
Paper “Continental” Money Inflation and Bankruptcy

30 Historical Bias

31 Wrap Up What is a City on a Hill
Does the US act like it is a City on a Hill? Why or why not?

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