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Presentation on theme: "Schizophrenia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Schizophrenia

2 “The schizophrenic experience can be a terrifying journey through a world of madness no one can understand, particularly the person travelling through it. It is a journey through a world that is deranged, empty and devoid of anchors to reality. You feel very much alone. You find it easier to withdraw than cope with a reality that is incongruent with your fantasy world. You feel tormented by distorted perceptions. You cannot distinguish what is real from what is unreal. Schizophrenia affects all aspects of your life. Your thoughts race and you feel fragmented and so very alone with your ‘craziness’…” – Janice Jordan


4 Myths Schizophrenics are dangerous
Schizophrenia = split/multiple personality Once a schizophrenic, always a schizophrenic

5 Most severe of mental disorders
Definition Most severe of mental disorders

6 Common Symptoms Delusions
False belief based on incorrect inference about external reality

7 Common Symptoms Examples:
Delusions of grandeur: inflated worth, power, knowledge, identity or special relationship with a deity or famous person Delusions of persecution: belief that someone or something is out to get them

8 Common Symptoms Hallucinations False sensory perceptions
Most common is hearing voices

9 Common Symptoms Illogical Thought Patterns
What they say is not understandable Word salad: creating sentences that don’t make sense. Putting words together that don’t go together Neologisms: creating new words

10 Miscellaneous Usually schizophrenics don’t know that the voices they hear are their own (created by them). Best way to get rid of the voices is to hum.

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