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Signposts Contrasts & Contradictions Aha Moment Again and Again

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1 Signposts Contrasts & Contradictions Aha Moment Again and Again
Words of the Wiser

2 Why should we look at them?
Help us understand plot Help us see character development Help us understand theme Sometimes signposts foreshadow what’s to come Help us see how conflicts arise and are resolved

3 Advice “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.”
“Always tell the truth.” “Haste makes waste.”

4 Archetype A recurring character in literature or art
Examples: Jock, Wiseman, Bully

5 Words of the Wiser STOP and Notice & Note
When you’re reading and a character (who’s probably older and lots wiser) takes the main character aside and gives serious advice, stop and ask: “What’s the life lesson, and how might it affect the character?” Whatever the lesson is, you’ve probably found a theme.

6 “Riding Shotgun” from Speak
As we read the first few paragraphs: underline words and phrases that illustrate Melinda’s struggle

7 Idiom: an expression that isn’t obvious
“It fell on deaf ears.” When you’re 16, advice from your super cool older friend does not fall on deaf ears. Advice from your mom might. (Love you, Mom!)

8 Idiom: an expression that isn’t obvious
“Fall on deaf ears” means for ideas to be ignored by the person they were intended for

9 “Riding Shotgun” from Speak
As we read paragraphs 4-7, underline: words or phrases that describe Mr. Freeman as a wise man whose words will not fall on deaf ears Do you think Melinda will listen to him? Why or why not?

10 “Riding Shotgun” from Speak
As we read the final paragraphs, underline: Mr. Freeman’s advice Words/actions that illustrate Melinda’s reaction to his advice How do you think his advice will impact Melinda’s thoughts and actions? How do you know?

11 “Riding Shotgun” from Speak
Based on this excerpt, what themes bubble up from this story? In Speak, Anderson uses the wise man archetype and concrete actions to convey that healing takes time.

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