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Strategies for Close Reading

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1 Strategies for Close Reading
Signposts Strategies for Close Reading


3 Contrast and Contradiction
Signpost # 1 Contrast and Contradiction

4 Let’s think: How does an author show us
Let’s think: How does an author show us a character is changing or developing? Imagine if Hermione came to class with not doing her homework, talked back to the teacher, and didn’t participate in class… Her behavior contradicts what we’ve come to expect because it’s not her personality. What would you ask yourself??? Why would she act this way?

5 Contrast and Contradictions
DEFINITION – A sharp contrast between what we would ______________ and what we ____________ the character doing; ______________ that _______________previous _______________ or well established _____________. EXPECT OBSERVE BEHAVIOR CONTRADICTS BEHAVIOR PATTERNS

6 Contrast and Contradiction Clues
A character __________________ or ________________ in a way we ____________ _______________ or an element of a ______________________ is something we would _________ ____________. BEHAVES THINKS DON’T EXPECT SETTING NOT EXPECT

7 Contrast and Contradiction Literary element it helps readers understand
1. Character Development 2. Internal Conflict 3. Theme 4. Relationship between setting and plot

8 If you see Contrast and Contradictions…
Ask yourself Why would the character act (feel) this way? Why ask this question? _____________ & ______________________ show us other aspects of a _______________ or a _____________. The question ___________________ conversation about ________________, __________________, or the ________________ he is in. CONTRAST CONTRADICTIONS SETTING ENCOURAGES CHARACTER CHARACTER MOTIVATION SITUATION

9 If you see Contrast and Contradictions…
Ask yourself Why would the author use these contrasting words, images or behaviors? Why ask this question? _____________ & ______________________ show us other aspects of a _______________ _____________. The question ___________________ conversation about ________________ CONTRAST CONTRADICTIONS PURPOSE Author’s AUTHORIAL INTENT ENCOURAGES


11 Signpost #2 Aha Moment

12 Let’s think: When have you had an “Aha Moment”?
Elsa finds out what it takes to thaw a frozen heart Buzz realizes he’s not the only space ranger. Rapunzel realizes she’s the lost princess

13 Aha Moment DEFINITION: A character’s _____________ of something that shifts his ___________ or __________________ of himself, others, or the ______________________ REALIZATION ACTIONS UNDERSTANDING WORLD AROUND HIM

14 Aha Moment Clues Phrases usually expressing suddenness like: 1. 2.
3. “The realization hit me like a lightening bolt…” 4. “Suddenly I understood…” “It came to me in a flash that …” “In an instant I knew…”

15 Aha Moment Literary element it helps readers understand
1. Character Development 2. Internal Conflict 3. Plot

16 If you see an Aha Moment…
Ask yourself… How might this change things? Why ask this question? An Aha Moment reveals ______________. This question focuses on that change- for the _________________ or the _________________. change character setting

17 If you see an Aha Moment…
Ask yourself… Does this moment change something for you as the reader? Does it change something for you that is different from what it changes for the character?

18 “How might this change things?”
Notice and Note When you are reading and suddenly a character realizes, understands, or finally figure something out. REVIEW You should ask yourself: “How might this change things?” If the character figured out a problem, you probably learned about the CONFLICT If the character understood a life lesson, you probably just learned the THEME

19 Signpost #3 Tough Questions

20 Let’s think: What are the tough questions people ask themselves?
How will I ever get over this? What should I do? Am I brave enough to…? Why? Why me? These questions show INTERNAL CONFLICT

21 Tough Questions DEFINITION: ____________________ a character raises that _______________ his or her _______ ___________. QUESTIONS REVEAL INNER STRUGGLE

22 Tough Question Clues Phrases expressing serious doubt or confusion: 1.
2. 3. “How could I ever understand why she…” 4. “What could I possibly do to…” “I couldn’t imagine how I could cope with…” “Never had I been so confused about…”

23 Tough Questions Literary element it helps readers understand
1. Character Development 2. Internal Conflict 3. Theme

24 If you see a Tough Question…
Ask yourself… What does that question make me wonder about? Does the answer help? Can the character find one? Is this indicating a conflict? Why does the author make the character question?

25 Why we Ask this Question:
Tough questions almost always reveal _______________________& understanding that conflict generally offers insight into the _______________. We need to think about the ________________ that shape the tough questions. Then we can make a connection between the ______________________ and our __________________. Internal conflict theme big issues author’s thinking own thoughts


27 Signpost #4 Words of the Wiser

28 Let’s think: What advice have you. been given but (maybe) didn’t
Let’s think: What advice have you been given but (maybe) didn’t listen to? Who gave it to you? The author wants you to think about this advice because it’s probably a life lesson that you’ll learn more about: 1. the character 2. the conflict he/she faces 3. the plot 4. author’s message or theme

29 Words of the Wiser The _________________ or __________________ ,
DEFINITION: The _________________ or __________________ , who is usually is _________, offers about ___________ to the ______________________. ADVICE INSIGHT OLDER LIFE MAIN CHARACTER

30 Words of the Wiser clues
The ________________________ and another are usually ­__________________________________ in a __________________ and __________________ moment, and the wiser figure shares his _________________ or advice in an effort to _________________ the protagonist with a _________________ or _________________. MAIN CHARACTER OFF BY THEMSELVES QUIET SERIOUS WISDOM HELP PROBLEM DECISION

31 Words of the Wiser Literary element it helps readers understand
1. Theme 2. Internal Conflict 3. Relationship between character and plot

32 If you see a Words of the Wiser moment…
Ask yourself… What’s the life lesson and how might it affect the character? Do you look at the “wiser” character differently now?

33 Why ask about the life lesson and how it might affect the character?
Words of the Wiser suggests the ______________. We use this question to help the reader think about this _________ in the ___________ of the character’s life. (Then we can connect it with our own life) theme theme context

34 “What is the life lesson and how might it affect the character?”
Notice and Note When you are reading and a character (who is probably older and wiser) takes the protagonist aside and gives serious advice. REVIEW Words of the Wiser You should ask yourself: “What is the life lesson and how might it affect the character?” Whatever the lesson is, you probably found the THEME for the story.

35 Signpost #5 Again and Again

36 Let’s think: If you have a friend that left the lunch table for a day, would you think anything of it? How about if it was for the whole week? A lot of what we know about our friends (or enemies) is recognizing a pattern about them and understanding what it means when the pattern is broken or something is repeated over and over again.

37 Again and Again DEFINITION:
________ ,___________, or particular _____________ that _________ over a portion of the novel/story. Events images words recur

A _____________ is ________________ , sometimes used in an odd way, ____________ and ____________ in the story. An ______________________ reappears ___________________ __________________ during the course of a book. WORD REPEATED OVER OVER IMAGE SEVERAL TIMES

39 Again and Again Literary element it helps readers understand
4. Conflict 1. Theme 2. Internal Conflict 5. Symbolism 3. Character Development 6. Plot

40 If you notice an Again and Again …
Stop and ask yourself Why might the author bring this up again and again? Why ask this question? ________________ _______________, events, or __________________ offer ___________________ into character _____________________ or ______________________; this question encourages us to think about that insight. RECURRING IMAGES WORDS INSIGHT MOTIVATION THEME


42 Signpost #6 Memory Moment

43 Memory Moment DEFINITION: A ___________________ by a character that
____________________ the forward progress of the story. RECOLLECTION INTERRUPTS

The ongoing flow of the narrative is _________________ by a ______________________ that comes to the character, often taking several ____________________ to _________________ before we are returned to the events of the present moment. INTERRUPTED MEMORY PARAGRAPHS RECOUNT

45 Memory Moment Literary element it helps readers understand
1. Theme 2. Plot 3. Character Development 4. Relationship between character and plot

46 If you notice a Memory Moment…
Stop and ask yourself Why might this memory be important? What does it explain to us? Why ask this question? MEMORY CHARACTER ________________________ usually explain _________________________ ______________________. They might explain why a character acts a certain way, or they might serve as ____________________ for a situation that a character eventually finds herself in. If they offer __________________ into the ________________ they often become A&A moments. Consider the relationship bet. the ______________ and the ______________________ or ____________________. MOTIVATION GUIDANCE INSIGHT THEME MEMORY CHARACTER PLOT


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