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Chapter 23.

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1 Chapter 23

2 Martin lUther Who was he?
What were some of the reforms he advocated for? Martin Luther – Protestantism: faith in the bible alone, no indulgences, no clergy

3 Henry viii Who was he? What was his relationship to the Roman
Catholic Church? Henry VIII – Schism w/ Catholic church. Founded Anglican Church (Church of England)

4 What do these two guys have in common…
Reformers – rejected church authority

5 …and who do you think this is?
Hint: Who did we read about that made similar reforms to Henry VIII and Martin Luther? John Calvin. Switzerland.

6 Name the religious order founded in response to the catholic reformation
Bonus: Who was its founder? Jesuits/Society of Jesus. St. Ignatius of Loyola

7 Name the conflict that engulfed Europe from 1618-1648
Bonus: Name some of its causes. 30 years war. Religious disagreements, political conflicts

8 What ended the thirty years war?
Peace of Westphalia

9 Explain Whether each of these nation states was a constitutional or absolute monarchy
SPAIN ENGLAND FRANCE THE NETHERLANDS Spain and France – Absolute – power consolidated in the king. England and Netherlands – Constitutional – monarch shared power with parliament

10 What theory of the Universe does this image represent
What theory of the Universe does this image represent? Who came up with this theory?

11 What theory of the universe does this image represent
What theory of the universe does this image represent? Who came up with this theory?

12 Galileo Galilei Understanding of astronomy – Copernicus also maybe worth a mention as proposer of heliocentric universe (Italy)

13 Isaac Newton Laws of physics (England)

14 Who is this? What type of monarchy does he represent?
Louis XIV – France – Absolute – Versailles

15 Who is this? What reforms did he enact?
Use the portrait for clues! Peter the Great – Reformed military, bureaucracy. Built St. Petersburg. Looked towards the west as example.

16 What is happening in this picture?
Execution of Charles I after English Civil War – Oliver Cromwell

17 What does the phrase “Balance of power” Mean
What does the phrase “Balance of power” Mean? Why is it important to this period in history? Balance of power in Europe – competing states kept one another from becoming too strong.

18 What is Capitalism? What does this Scottish Philosopher have to do with its development?
Adam Smith – society benefits when people pursue their own interests

19 The Enlightenment For each philosopher or scientist, name their country of origin and one of their major ideas. #deadwhiteguys

20 Thomas hobbes Leviathan – nasty brutish and short (England)

21 John Locke Social contract – life, liberty, property (England)

22 Voltaire Critical of Monarchy and Church (France)

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