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Vocal Production Vocabulary #1.

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1 Vocal Production Vocabulary #1

2 projection “Throwing” the voice to the farthest person in the audience. Also referred to as “hitting the back wall.”

3 Articulation/diction
The process of starting and stopping vowel and consonant sounds. Clearly speaking lines of dialogue in order for them to be clearly heard and understood.

4 DIAPHRAMIC BREATHING Properly using the muscle below the ribs that expands out and down causing air to enter the lungs.

5 MONOTONE/NASALITY Speaking without the use of any expression or “rise and fall” in the voice. Keeping the tone of one’s voice in the nasal (nose) area which reduces clarity.

6 PITCH/INFLECTION Highness or lowness of the voice. Gliding from one pitch level to another. Can change the meaning of words.

7 RATE/VOLUME The speed or tempo of speech. Loudness or softness of the voice, sound effects, or music.

8 Enrichment of sound from its vibration in a closed space.
RESONANCE Enrichment of sound from its vibration in a closed space.

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