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Stage Awareness Lesson 1 – Year 7.

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1 Stage Awareness Lesson 1 – Year 7

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Weebly & Journals Get out your planners Write down your username and password Let’s look at Weebly together! 18/05/2019 copyright All Rights Reserved

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Create Brains? What’s that all about? The Create brains link to different parts of our creative process. Look back at your Creative Mats from last week and see if you can link the brains to the mats! 18/05/2019 copyright All Rights Reserved

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Let’s Do Some Drama!! 18/05/2019 copyright All Rights Reserved

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Learning Outcomes: By the end of this lesson you will be able to: Content – Understand what the term stagecraft refers to within the drama space. Process – put this into action through work on blocking, stage placement names and activities on space and levels. Benefits – we will begin to develop a knowledge of what skills and techniques we can use in Drama lessons. 18/05/2019 copyright All Rights Reserved

6 Stage Placement Poem Left diagonal front, right diagonal front.
Left diagonal back, right diagonal back. Left side, right side, front and back. And I am in the middle! 18/05/2019 copyright All Rights Reserved

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Start to Finish… You can choose where our volunteer walks to and from. You are now adding a purpose to their walk too: Fast or slow Direct or indirect Heavy or light 18/05/2019 copyright All Rights Reserved

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Blocking Blocking refers to the instructions that are given to an actor to help him understand where he needs to be in a scene. FRED: Where should I put these flowers? (He looks Stage Left then Stage Right. Then he places the flowers in a vase left diagonal front.) Oh, this’ll do. Deliver this with a partner 18/05/2019 copyright All Rights Reserved

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Blocking part 2 Now you and your partner are going to be on stage at the same time. This is when another interpretation of blocking comes about…what else could this term mean when there is more than on person on stage? 18/05/2019 copyright All Rights Reserved

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Blocking Script: FRED: Where should I put these flowers? (He looks Stage Left then Stage Right. Then he places the flowers in a vase left diagonal front.) Oh, this’ll do. SALLY: Hang on Fred (she enters right diagonal back) They wont get any sun there. Put them here instead (she picks up the vase and places it on a table stage left) Perfect! Blocking Success Criteria: Always remember to face front when delivering your lines! Don’t stand in front of another person when they are speaking. Stand or indicate to the correct stage place. Make your lines loud and clear 18/05/2019 copyright All Rights Reserved

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Show back together Volunteer/model work!!! What makes this a good example of blocking? Consider the effect that good script adherence has upon the piece you watch. 18/05/2019 copyright All Rights Reserved

12 Review End Image Now spend 2 minutes making a still image of:
A poor blocking scenario A good blocking scenario Everybody show back together 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Who can tell me what Stagecraft means? What new piece of information did you learn today? 18/05/2019 copyright All Rights Reserved

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