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Eukaryotic Cell Organelles

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1 Eukaryotic Cell Organelles

2 Essential Question What are the 4 basic structures of prokaryotic cells? Compare/Contrast plant/animal cells What are the functions of each of the organelles?

3 Cells Review Cells are the basic units of organisms Cells can only
be observed under microscope

4 Cells Review Organisms may be: Unicellular – have only one cell
Multicellular- have many cells

5 Introduction to Cells Basic types of cells: Animal Cell (eukaryote)
Plant Cell (eukaryote) Bacterial Cell (prokaryote)

6 Cells Review Prokaryotic Eukaryotic
Prokaryotes are bacteria- no nucleus or membrane-bound structures called organelles Eukaryotes are most other cells- have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles EX-animals, plants, fungi…

7 Prokaryotes Review Have: Floating circular DNA (plasmids)
Cell membrane Cell wall Ribosomes

8 Eukaryotes Review Contain 3 basic cell structures: Nucleus
Cell Membrane Cytoplasm with organelles

9 Two Main Types of Eukaryotic Cells
Animal Cell Plant Cell

10 Cell Review Lies inside cell wall in plant cells
All prokaryotic AND eukaryotic cells have a cell membrane Separates inside from outside Lies inside cell wall in plant cells Made of protein and phospholipids Allows things in and out of cell

11 Cell membrane Recall: also known as: Phospholipid bilayer
Fluid mosaic model Lipid bilayer Plasma membrane

12 Cell membrane Selective permeability- chooses what goes in and out otherwise inside the cell would be the same as outside the cell

13 Cells Review All prokaryotic and eukaryotoic cells have Cytoplasm –
Cell “jelly”- houses organelles

14 Organelles Membrane-Bound organelles only found in Eukaryotes
Localize Chemical Reactions making the cell far more efficient SMALL! Can only be observed under a microscope Have specific jobs (functions) Found throughout cytoplasm (open area with cell jelly)

15 “eukaryotic” means “true nucleus”
The Nucleus “eukaryotic” means “true nucleus” Contains & protects the cell’s DNA Helps coordinate the division of cells Chromosomes

16 Nucleus Inside the nucleus: Nucleolus Genes Chromosomes Chromatin DNA

17 Nucleus: Control of the cell
recall-DNA is the genetic information that controls the cell DNA codes for proteins which are assembled by the ribosomes

18 Essential Question What is the function of the nucleus?
What type of cell are they found in?

19 Ribosomes Are NOT membrane-bound & also exist in prokaryotes
Are used to manufacture proteins Granular in appearance Often found on “rough” endoplasmic reticulum*

20 Essential Question What is the function of the ribosomes?
What type of cell are they found in?

21 Endoplasmic Reticulum
Are folds of membranes used to package & modify proteins made by ribosomes. They also make lipids 2 types “Rough” - which is usually near nucleus and covered with ribosomes giving it its “rough” appearance. (Finishes proteins) “Smooth” - which is usually away from the nucleus (produce lipids)

22 Essential Question What is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum?
What type of cell are they found in?

23 Mitochondria (Cell Powerhouse)
Recall that enzymes are proteins So the genetic information from the DNA that codes for the proteins that are assembled by the ribosomes also form the enzymes needed by the organelles One of such organelles is the mitochondria

24 Mitochondria Serves as the “powerhouse of the cell” by generating chemical energy Has it’s own DNA* Can divide on its own* Site of aerobic respiration (ENERGY!!!!!)

25 Mitochondria Active cells like muscles have more mitochondria
Burn sugars to produce energy (ATP=ENERGY) Remember: folded membranes increase surface area which increases energy production

26 Essential Question What is the function of the mitochondria?
What type of cell are they found in?

27 Golgi Bodies Are the post offices of the cell
Modify (address) proteins & lipids and send them in packages (vessicles) throughout (or out of) the cell.

28 Golgi Bodies Notice the folds: helps with compartmentalization = increased efficiency The lipids and proteins produced by the RER and SER are transported to the golgi body which packages, labels, and delivers the vesicle where is needs to go in or out of the cell

29 Essential Question What is the function of the golgi body (golgi apparatus)? What type of cell are they found in?

30 Lysosomes “stomach” of the cell- break down things in the cell
Small Vessicles which serve to digest particles and clean-up cells Contain Lysozyme – a powerful digestive enzyme Digests food particles Destroys worn-out organelles Self-Destructs worn-out cells

31 Essential Question What is the function of the lysosomes?
What type of cell are they found in?

32 Other Organelles Flagella Cilia
Whip-like motion- Tail-like projection in some prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells used for locomotion Oar-like motion- Found in eukaryotic cells used for locomotion or to move fluid over the cell body

33 Essential Question What is the function of the flagella?
What is the function of the cilia?

34 Chloroplasts (Plant Cell Only)
Is the “cell’s farm” - meaning food is generated here. Does this by photosynthesis - the conversion of CO2, H2O and sunlight into sugar Contain Chlorophyll - a green pigment - which does this Has it’s own DNA* Can divide on its own*

35 Essential Question What is the function of the chloroplast?
What type of cell is it found in?

36 Cell Wall (plant cell only)
Provides support / protection and support for plant cell Made of cellulose Cell membrane is innermost layer

37 Essential Question What is the function of the cell wall?
What type of cell is it found in?

38 Vacuole- storage Plant cells Animal cell Large central vacuole
Tiny vacuoles vacuole vacuole

39 What is the function of the vacuole? What type of cell is it found in?
Essential Question What is the function of the vacuole? What type of cell is it found in?

40 Centriole- Animal Cell Only!!!
Near the nucleus Paired structures Help cell divide

41 Essential Question What is the function of the centriole?
What type of cell is it found in?

42 Similarities between plant and animal cells
Both have a cell membrane surrounding the cytoplasm Both have a nucleus Both contain mitochondria

43 Differences between plant cells and animal cells
Relatively smaller in size Relatively larger in size Irregular (circular) shape Regular (square) shape No cell wall Cell wall present

44 Differences between Plant Cells and Animal Cells
Vacuole small or absent Large central vacuole Glycogen (sugar) as food storage Starch as food storage No chloroplasts Have chloroplasts

45 Essential Question What are the 4 basic structures of prokaryotic cells? Compare/Contrast plant/animal cells What are the functions of each of the organelles?

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