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Fill in Organelle Chart as we head through the powerpoint

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1 Fill in Organelle Chart as we head through the powerpoint
Fill in Organelle Chart as we head through the powerpoint. Later decide if it is found in a plant, animal, or both.

2 Cellular Boundaries

3 Cell Wall Plant Cell Only Gives cell strong support, shape
Outside of the cell membrane Gives cell strong support, shape Made of carbohydrates like cellulose

4 Cell membrane is next… Making Connections
The cell membrane is made of THREE organic compounds that we discussed in chapter three. Any ideas?

5 Cell or Plasma Membrane
Surrounds the outside of all cells Flexible Barrier, regulates or controls what enters and leaves the cell Structure: Lipid Bi-layer (double layer of phospholipids) and has proteins Selectively Permeable The Fluid Mosaic Model Outside of cell Inside (cytoplasm) Cell membrane Proteins Protein channel Lipid bilayer Carbohydrate chains

6 What does Fluid Mosaic Model mean?

7 Fluid Mosaic Model- The proteins and lipids can move around
Fluid Mosaic Model- The proteins and lipids can move around. Looks solid from far away, but is made up of multiple, tiny little parts. All interacting to make the big picture. These are mosaics!!!

8 Cytoplasm Many chemical reactions take place here Made of -
Cytosol: Jelly-like fluid inside of the cell Organelles: Internal substructures

9 Cytoskeleton Provide internal structural support to a cell
Flexible network of proteins; threads and fibers

10 Cellular Control Center

11 Nucleus “Blueprints”, Stores genetic information, Control Center of the cell Contains the DNA (coding instructions) for making proteins for the entire human body Structure: Double nuclear envelope Small dense region: Nucleolus DNA usually spread out Bunches up into chromosomes when the cell is dividing All Eukaryotic Cells!

12 Mutations Traits Disease

13 Organelles that Build Proteins

14 Endomembrane System: All eukaryotic cells
Structure: Network of thin folded membranes, highway Rough ER has ribosomes. Smooth ER has NO ribosomes. Numerous processes occur here such as the production and transportation of lipids and proteins.

15 Ribosomes: Synthesize Proteins All eukaryotic cells
Function: Get directions from RNA to join amino acids into proteins, like little factories Can be attached to Rough ER OR Be free (unattached) in the cytoplasm

16 Golgi Bodies or Golgi Apparatus: All eukaryotic cells
Look like a stack of pancakes - Receives proteins from the ER. - Modifies, sorts, & packages molecules into tiny secretory vesicles with address labels

17 Golgi Animation Materials are transported from Rough ER to Golgi to the cell membrane by VESICLES

18 Proteins for what? DNA has directions for what proteins your body needs to create to display certain traits/characteristics

19 Vesicles Deliver contents to their destination
Like little cars or bubbles

20 Organelles that Give Energy

21 Mitochondrion (plural = mitochondria)
“Powerhouse” of the cell Convert chemical energy into ATP called Cellular Respiration More active cells like muscle cells have MORE mitochondria

22 What do mitochondria do?
“Power plant” of the cell Structure: Has its own DNA, Surrounded by double membrane like the nucleus. Found in plants and animals!

23 Chloroplast Photosynthesis: convert solar energy into useable energy in plants Double MB, Contain chlorophyll to make plants green

24 Organelles that Store, Clean Up, and Support

25 Vacuoles: Plant Cells Fluid filled sacks for storage of sugars, proteins, minerals, lipids, wastes, salts, water, and enzymes Small or absent in animal cells Plant cells have a LARGE Vacuole None in bacteria Can store sap in plants!

26 Lysosomes Animal Cells, they contain digestive enzymes
Break down food, bacteria, and worn out cell parts for cells Lysosomes digest the food & get rid of wastes Programmed for cell death (APOPTOSIS)

27 Lysosome Digestion

28 Centrioles: Cylinder shape, small tubes
Organize cell division in ANIMAL cells, some algae Pull the chromosomes apart during cell division Aid in flagella and cilia formation

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