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The Health of our Atmosphere

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1 The Health of our Atmosphere

2 Ozone Made up of three oxygen atoms (the air you breathe has oxygen with two oxygen atoms) Most is located in the stratosphere, a small amount is located in the troposphere

3 Ozone in the Stratosphere
Good ozone! Creates a layer within the stratosphere to block harmful UV rays from the sun. Releasing CFC’s (chloroflourocarbons) into the atmosphere (from aerosol cans, refrigerants) has damaged the ozone layer in stratosphere

4 Ozone in the Troposphere
Bad ozone! Is created when chemicals from pollution interact with oxygen atoms in the air. Can cause asthma and other respiratory problems.

5 Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources
Renewable Resources- any natural resource that can be replenished over and over (never runs out!) Examples: solar, water, wind Advantage: they are safer for the environment! Disadvantage: usually more expensive!!

6 Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources
Nonrenewable Resources: a natural resource that, once consumed, cannot be replaced. Advantage: less expensive!! Disadvantage: will run out eventually and is bad for the environment!!

7 Acid Rain When sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide gases are released into the atmosphere by factories. As these chemicals are released, they dissolve into the water that is in the atmosphere. Weather systems move these acid rain filled clouds around the globe.

8 Greenhouse Effect A natural event
Certain gases in our atmosphere (methane, carbon dioxide, water vapor) help to trap heat in our atmosphere Without it, we would be an ice planet!

9 Global Warming The greenhouse effect gone crazy!
We are increasing the amount of carbon dioxide too quickly in our atmosphere, therefore speeding up the greenhouse effect.

10 Global Warming If we continue to increase fossil fuel usage (natural gas, petroleum, and coal), carbon dioxide levels will continue to increase in atmosphere, causing an increase in Earth’s temperature!!

11 So what can WE do?? Use less fossil fuel Cut down less trees
Trees use carbon dioxide! Find alternatives to oil and gasoline

12 Already in Place Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
provides daily information about air quality helps to monitor and punish businesses who abuse our environment Clean Air Act established in 1963 research and investigation of air quality

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