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Life in Colonial America

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1 Life in Colonial America

2 Colonial Society What determined a place in society:
Wealth Gender Race Differences between social rank could be seen in clothing, houses, and manners

3 Wealth in Land Foundation of real wealth was the land
Majority of landowners were white males These men dominated politics Lawyers, planters, and merchants held most of the seats in the colonial assemblies Wealthy children received the best educations

4 Trades and Occupations
Artisans These tradespeople were important in the colonies Tinware, pottery, cabinets, glassware Printers Colonial printers gathered and circulated local news and information Benjamin Franklin was one of America’s most famous printers in the 1700’s Farmers and Fishermen Many colonial settlers turned to the seas A growth of shipbuilding occurred Indentured Servants

5 Colonial Women The status of colonial women was determined by the men in their lives A woman was under her husband’s control English law allowed husbands to beat their wives without fear of prosecution Women handled the household operations

6 The Nature of Work Colonists had to work very hard to keep themselves and their families alive Self-Sufficient Children helped both parents from an early age

7 Colonial Education Attendance at school was not required by law
Literacy rates were higher in New England than anywhere else in British North America Boys attended the grammar school to prepare for college Girls did not go to school Universities were being established

8 Questions to Consider Why was social rank so important during this time? What occupations were important during this time? What did they contribute? Why was land so valuable?

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