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Clue in on Color Fashion Strategies

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1 Clue in on Color Fashion Strategies
You need to be wearing your shirts. As you advance to each slide, turn on some fun music, and take you shirt off to reveal the next color. (Be careful when you get down to the last one!)

2 Benefits of Color Makes life interesting!
Usually the first thing people notice Draw attention to or away from body features Emphasize a special feature Create illusions

3 Impact of Color Symbols – traffic lights, holidays, ceremonies/celebration, represent groups, language Temperature – changing of seasons, warm vs cool, light colors in the sun Movement – attention getting, warm (vibrant) colors most noticeable Mood – yours and others, blue, green, violet subdue, orange and yellow cheery

4 Blue Cool Color Moves away from you
Suggests respect, responsibility, authority Needs a relief color Tranquilizing Elongate time Favorite color Poor color around food

5 Red Hot, exciting, stimulating Highly emotional
Raises blood pressure, pulse and heart rate Cellular reaction in heart and lungs Stimulate appetite Pay more Lose track of time Separate gender responses High end Restaurants are usually decorated in red Men prefer a red-orange red and women prefer a red-violet red

6 Yellow Requires the most visual processing Cheerful, warm, inviting
Stimulate memory “Value for Money” Loss of minor muscle control in elderly Loose your temper quicker Baby’s cry more Yellow is a good color for tests to be taken on

7 Green Peaceful, relaxation, serenity Easiest for the eye to see
Fastest adjustment time High socio-economic status Natural Cool color closest to warm Green is a good color for guest rooms

8 Black Mysterious Positive and negative effects
Dignity, solemnity, formality Mourning, sorrow, depression Power, strong authority when combined with white Limited positive response in décor Reinforces the color it touches, powerful accent

9 White Delicate, refined Symbol of purity, chastity, cleanliness
All white feels empty or forced Soften edges between colors Encourages precision Clarity, openness and brightness

10 Gray/Grey Work longer Creativity More artistic Chameleon
Needs accent colors Strong prejudice against grey Grey can take on the color of what is next to it. People tend to be more creative when they are working on a grey surface Students tend to remember more when they take notes on gray paper People either love or hate gray

11 Brown Homelike, masculine Warmth, snug, secure Universal Solidity
Listener Positive food associations Less intensive behavioral response Needs natural associations and less yellow for a positive response.

12 Violet Stronger versions are called purple Uncertainty
Royalty, dignity Women generally accept universally Tire of the fastest Seen as artistic and expressive

13 Pink Sweet Can be calming Intensifies when applied Feminine
Good accent clothing color, not as well used overall in clothing

14 Orange Declassifying Informality Stimulating Inexpensive
Good around fast food Shares some qualities of red, slightly reduced

15 What is Color? Pigments – substances that absorb some light rays and reflect others When light strikes an object you only see the colors that reflect back to your eyes Page 160

16 The Color Wheel Organizational system for hues, position depends on relationship to other colors Pg 161 Primary – red, yellow, and blue (all other colors made from these) Secondary – equal amounts of primary colors Intermediate – primary color with a neighboring secondary color Complementary – colors opposite on the color wheel

17 Color Variations Value – adding black or white
Tint – color that is lightened by adding white Shade – color that is darkened by adding black Intensity – brightness or dullness of color

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