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Presentation on theme: "Colors!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colors!

2 Hue Hue: The name given to color. Example: Blue is given the name Blue

3 VALUE The lightness or darkness of a hue.
The value of a hue can be made lighter by adding white, creating a TINT of that hue. Appearance of greater room size or height. Pink is a tint of red, Peach is a tint of orange The value of a hue can be made darker by adding black, creating a SHADE of that hue. Maroon is shade of red. Rust is shade of orange Appearance of smaller room size or height

4 INTENSITY The Brightness or Dullness of a hue Created by adding its compliment. Color’s are brightest in their natural form. (i.e. pure yellow, pure red, pure blue) Objects and rooms with Bright high intensity colors seem larger. Bold and intense colors are best used sparingly or as accents Objects and rooms with Dull low intensity colors seem smaller.

5 Neutrals Neutrals: Not really a “color”.
Examples: Beige, White, Black, grey

6 PRIMARY COLORS Yellow, Red, & Blue. They occur naturally. red
By mixing, lightening, or darkening the primary colors, all other colors can be made. No other colors can be combined to create the primary colors. red blue yellow

7 SECONDARY COLORS Orange, Green, and Violet.
Are produced by mixing EQUAL amounts of two primary colors. Red + Yellow = Orange Blue + Yellow = Green Red + Blue = Violet orange violet green

Made by mixing a primary color with a secondary color Yellow-Green, Blue-Green, Blue-Violet, Red-Violet, Red-Orange, and Yellow-Orange Note: The primary color is always listed first. Yellow-Green Yellow-Orange Red-Orange Blue-green Blue-Violet Red-violet

9 Warm colors Give feelings of liveliness and warmth
Colors of the sun, fire Good for rooms you want to be busy and lively

10 Cool colors Feeling of peacefulness…. but can be depressing if overdone Examples are sky or water Can make a room look smaller Good for rooms you want to be relaxing

11 Color Schemes

12 MONOCHROMATIC This scheme uses shades and tints of one hue.

13 ANALOGOUS This scheme combines colors that lie next to each other on the color.

14 COMPLEMENTARY This scheme uses two hues. The hues must lie opposite each other on the color wheel.

15 Split-Complementary Schemes
Use of the two colors on each side of the first color’s compliment

16 TRIADIC This scheme combines three hues. The hues must be equal distances apart on the color wheel.

17 Things to Remember Darker colors make a room appear smaller
Dark ceilings make a room seem shorter Light colors make a room appear larger Light ceilings make it appear taller

18 Paint colors will appear two times darker on your wall than they do on the color swatch

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