Welcome to Coach Welker’s Class!

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1 Welcome to Coach Welker’s Class!
Hello! Find the desk that has your name on it. You will be sitting in alphabetical order. Welcome to Coach Welker’s Class! Monday, August 24, 2015

2 A Little Bit About Me… Grew up in Madison, North Carolina
Graduated from McMichael High School Played soccer, basketball and baseball

3 Education… I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in History from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill I taught at McMichael High School for 2 years I taught at Southeast Guilford High School for 10 years

4 Family… .

5 Family… My Husband and I are both educators in North Carolina.
My Husband works at Sanderson High School and is a Discipline Coordinator. He is also the Head JV Coach for the Sanderson Football team.




9 Bell Activity Rules: Basic Overview of Class & Each Day: You are to come into the classroom and look on the smart board. I will have SOMETHING for you to be working on every single day. Get out your sheet of notebook paper, write down today’s date, write down the question and answer it accordingly. You must keep up with your Bell Activities each day. There will be a BA check every Friday for a Classroom Participation grade.

10 Classroom Rules & Expectations:
1. Absences/Assignments 2. Tardy Policy & After School Detention 3. Homework Policy (20%) 4. Make Up Policy on ALL assignments 5. ISS Policy 6. OSS Policy 7. Refocus – Reasons Behind it 8. Bathroom/Water Policy & Passes

11 Classroom Rules & Expectations:
9. Fire & Tornado Drills – Exit Strategies Earthquake Policy (NEW!) 10. Parent Contacts 11. Progress Reports (Civics will be every week, Psychology will be every 3 weeks) 12. Heat/AC/Windows/Blinds/Media Policy

12 Classroom Rules & Expectations:
13.Posters/Flags/Desk/Bookcases/ Cabinets Books/Marker Policy 14. Food/Drink Policy (Clear Water Bottles) 15. Gum Policy/Desk Situation 16. Phone Policy

13 Classroom Rules & Expectations:
17. Cell Phone Policy & Consequences 18. Sleeping in Class = Standing 19. Group Work = Classroom Participation 20. Grading Policy – Homework (20%), Quizzes/CP (30%), Tests (50%). 21. After School Help & Extra Credit 22. Moodle – Online Website 23. Questions during class 24. Stay In Your Seat 25. Asking for your grade (Progress Report Schedule!)

14 Classroom Rules & Expectations:
26. End of Course Testing & Exemption Policy– As of Fall Germ X 28. Respect In My Classroom – Sexual Harassment & Debates 29. Syllabus – Tonight’s First Homework Assignment! (Due first thing tomorrow morning) 30. Cheating Policy & Testing 31. New Franklinton High School – Respect all items in my classroom & around the school campus.

15 Classroom Rules & Expectations:
32. FUN?? 33. How you leave each day ‘saying’ 34. 1st period/4th Period Announcements 35. Reminder about Bell Activity & Tonight’s Homework that is due tomorrow! 36. National Board Certification 37. Questions/Concerns

16 First Day Activity & Assessment:
Civics & Economics First Day Activity & Assessment: You will take a ‘Civics and Economics’ Ice Breaker! You will get in pairs and share information about yourself. We will have each partner introduce the other person to the class.

17 Exit Ticket: Take out a half sheet of notebook paper.
Answer each question: 1. What did you learn today? 2. What do you already know about civics and economics? (At least one item) 3. What do you want to learn in civics and economics this semester? 4. What is your homework tonight??

18 Constructive Response
Movies can be an important source of entertainment in our society. Identify 1 movie you’ve seen recently. Offer two reasons why the movie was good or the movie sucked.

19 Quotes Identify one quote posted on the walls around the classroom.
Copy this quote down. Explain 2 reasons why you selected this quote.

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